Billboard 1.0 Virus
Virus Name: Billboard 1.0
V Status: Rare
Discovery: July, 1993
Symptoms: .COM file growth; file date/time seconds = "00"; message
Origin: Unknown
Eff Length: 835 Bytes
Type Code: PNCK - Parasitic Non-Resident .COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, IBMAV, AVTK, Sweep, NAV,
NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV,
NShld, NProt, Sweep/N, IBMAV/N, AVTK/N, NAV/N, LProt,
Removal Instructions: Delete infected files
General Comments:
The Billboard 1.0 virus was received in July, 1993. Though the
virus claims to be from Australia, its origin or point of isolation
is unknown. Billboard 1.0 is a non-resident, direct action infector
of .COM programs, including COMMAND.COM. It does not infect very
small .COM programs.
When a program infected with the Billboard 1.0 virus is executed,
this virus will infect all of the .COM files located in the current
directory which are larger than approximately 3K. Infected programs
will have a file length increase of 835 bytes with the virus being
located at the beginning of the file. The program's time in the
DOS disk directory listing may disappear as the virus sets the
seconds field in the file date and time to "00". The following text
strings are encrypted within the Billboard 1.0 viral code:
"Billboard 1.0, (c)1993 Slīīzī [Nuke]."
"Jeff K. - You are a lying prick, just like all politicians"
"Patty - This was written from the ground up, in Australia"
"Alan - You are wasting your time chasing Rock Steady"
"Frisk - Pull your head out of your ass [NuKE] is way ahead
of you AV wankers"
"Johnny - Scan is just too lame to worry about ha ha"
The Billboard 1.0 virus contains code to display the above text as
a message.