Typo COM Virus
Virus Name: Typo COM
Aliases: Fumble, 867, Type, 712, Typo-712
V Status: Extinct
Discovered: November, 1989
Symptoms: .COM growth; resident-TOM; garbled printout (see text)
Origin: England
Eff Length: 867 Bytes
Type Code: PRtC - Parasitic Resident .COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, AVTK, NAV, Sweep, IBMAV,
NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: F-Prot, or delete infected files
General Comments:
The Typo COM virus is similar to the Typo Boot virus in that it
will garble data that is sent to the parallel port once it has
activated. Unlike the Boot virus, the .COM virus infects generic
.COM files. This virus was first reported by Joe Hirst of Brighton,
UK, in November, 1989.
The Typo COM virus only infects .COM files on even-numbered days.
Known variant(s) of Typo COM are:
Typo-712: Typo-712 is a 712 byte variant of the Typo COM virus.
It infects all .COM files in the current directory
each time an infected program is executed, adding its
viral code to the end of the file. Its memory resident
portion is 224 bytes in size and hooks interrupt 16. It
may intermittently interfer with keyboard input.
Origin: Unknown December, 1991.
Typo-867B: Typo-867B is a minor variant of the original Typo COM
virus. It infects all .COM files in the current directory
when an infected program is executed. It also installs
a 480 byte TSR which hooks interrupt 16. Infected files
will have a file length increase of 867 bytes with the
virus being located at the end of the infected file.
Origin: Unknown May, 1992.