Traceback II Virus
Virus Name: Traceback II
Aliases: 2930
V Status: Extinct
Discovered: October, 1988
Symptoms: .COM & .EXE growth; TSR; graphic display 1 hour after boot
Eff Length: 2,930 Bytes
Type Code: PRA - Parasitic Resident .COM & .EXE Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, AVTK, NAV, Sweep, IBMAV,
NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: F-Prot, NAV, or delete infected files
General Comments:
The Traceback II virus is a variant of the Traceback (3066) virus.
It is believed that Traceback II predates the Traceback virus,
however the Traceback virus was isolated and reported first. As
with the Traceback virus, the Traceback II virus is memory resident
and infects both .COM & .EXE files.
The comments indicated for the Traceback virus generally apply to
the Traceback II virus, with the exception that the file length
increase is 2,930 bytes instead of 3,066 bytes.
Known variant(s) of Traceback II are:
Traceback II-B: Similar to Traceback II, this variant will infect
COMMAND.COM. When the cascading effect occurs, the
screen will not be restored, instead the system
will be hung requiring it to be powered off and
See: Spanish Traceback Traceback 3029