Armagedon Virus
Virus Name: Armagedon
Aliases: Arma, Armagedon.1079
V Status: Rare
Discovery: June, 1990
Symptoms: Text string intermittently sent to COM ports
Origin: Athens, Greece
Eff Length: 1,079 Bytes
Type Code: PRsC - Parasitic Resident .COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, NAV, AVTK, Sweep, IBMAV,
NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N, NAV/N,
Removal Instructions: F-Prot, or delete infected files
General Comments:
The Armagedon virus was isolated on June 2, 1990, by George
Spiliotis of Athens, Greece. Armagedon is a memory resident virus
which infects .COM files, increasing their length by 1,079 bytes.
The virus will be located at the beginning of infected files.
The first time an infected program is executed on a system, the
virus installs itself memory resident as a low system memory TSR
of 1,392 bytes, hooking interrupts 8 and 21. Any .COM files which
are later executed are then infected by the resident virus.
Infected systems will experience the text string "Armagedon the
GREEK" being sent to COM ports 1 - 4 at timed intervals. Between
5:00 and 7:00, the virus will attempt to use the system's COM ports
to make a phone call to Local Time Information in Crete, Greece. If
a connection is made, the phone line will remain open until the user
notices that the phone line is in use. (Needless to say, this
doesn't work if the system is located outside of Greece as dialing
codes are considerably different between countries.)
This virus otherwise is not destructive.
Known variant(s) of Armagedon are:
Armagedon #911: Based on the original Armagedon virus, this
variant also adds 1,079 bytes to the .COM programs
it infects. The phone number called by the virus
has been changed to "911", which is the police and
emergency services phone number implemented in
much of the United States. The text string which
is sent to the COM ports has been changed to
"Support Your Police".
Origin: United States, September, 1992.
Armagedon.1065: Received in January, 1996, this variant adds
1,065 bytes to the .COM files it infects. Its
memory resident TSR is 1,392 bytes, hooking
interrupts 08 and 21. The following text strings
are visible within the viral code:
"Armagedon the GReEK"
Origin: Unknown, January 1996
Armagedon.1066: Received in January, 1996, this variant adds
1,066 bytes to the .COM files it infects. Its
memory resident TSR is 1,392 bytes, hooking
interrupts 08 and 21. The following text strings
are visible within the viral code:
"Armagedon the GREEK"
Origin: Unknown, January 1996
Armagedon-1074: Similar to the original Armagedon, this variant
adds 1,074 bytes to infected files. Its memory
resident TSR is 1,408 bytes in length, and hooks
interrupts 8 and 21. The following text strings are
visible within the viral code in infected files:
"Armagedon the GREEK"
Origin: Greece, June 1993
Armagedon-1077: Similar to the original Armagedon, this variant
adds 1,077 bytes to infected files. Its memory
resident TSR is 1,392 bytes in length, and hooks
interrupts 8 and 21.
Isolated: Greece, September 1991