Tiny Family Virus

 Virus Name:  Tiny Family 
 Aliases:     see below under "Known members" 
 V Status:    Rare 
 Discovery:   July, 1990 
 Symptoms:    .COM file growth 
 Origin:      Bulgaria 
 Eff Length:  133 - 198 Bytes (see below) 
 Type Code:   PRC - Parasitic Resident .COM Infector 
 Detection Method:  ViruScan, AVTK, F-Prot, NAV, Sweep, IBMAV, 
                    NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV, 
                    NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N, 
                    NAV/N, IBMAV/N 
 Removal Instructions:  Delete infected files 
 General Comments: 
       The Tiny Family of viruses was received by the author in July 1990 
       from Vesselin Bontchev of Bulgaria.  All the viruses in this 
       grouping share the same characteristics, with the only real 
       difference is the effective length of the viral code.  There were 
       five (5) viruses included in the "family" as of July, 1990: 
       Tiny-158, Tiny-159, Tiny-160, Tiny-167, and Tiny-198.  In October 
       1990, five (5) additional viruses in this family were received from 
       Vesselin Bontchev: Tiny-134, Tiny-138, Tiny-143, Tiny-154, and 
       Tiny-156. In December 1990, an eleventh member was added to this 
       family: Tiny-133.  In March 1993, the twelveth member was added: 
       The first time a file infected with one of the Tiny Family viruses 
       is executed on a system, the virus will install itself memory 
       resident at memory segment 60h.  This area of memory is normally 
       only used by DOS when the system is booted, after that it is never 
       used or referenced.  Interrupt 21 will be hooked by the virus. 
       After the virus is memory resident, the virus will infect any .COM 
       program that is executed.  Infected programs will have a file 
       length increase of between 134 - 198 bytes, depending on which 
       variant is present on the system.  The file's date and time in the 
       directory will also have been updated to the system date and time 
       when the infection occurred. 
       The Tiny Family of viruses currently does not do anything but 
       The viruses in this "family" are not related to the Tiny Virus 
       documented below. 
       Known members of the Tiny Family are: 
       Tiny-133: Similar to Tiny-134, this variant's effective length is 
                 133 bytes.  The bugs in Tiny-134 have been fixed, this 
                 virus is an excellent replicator.  This variant has also 
                 been altered so that it cannot be detected by anti-viral 
                 utilities which were aware of other members of this 
       Tiny-134: This variant's effective length is 134 bytes.  This 
                 variant is the only member of this family which is not a 
                 very viable virus, it will usually hang the system when 
                 it attempts to infect .COM files. 
       Tiny-138: Same as above, effective length is 138 bytes. 
       Tiny-143: Same as above, effective length is 143 bytes. 
       Tiny-143B: Tiny-143B was received in March, 1993, and is 
                  similar to Tiny-143.  It has been altered to avoid 
                  detection by anti-viral programs familiar with Tiny-143. 
                  Origin:  Unknown  March, 1993. 
       Tiny-154: Same as above, effective length is 154 bytes. 
       Tiny-156: Same as above, effective length is 156 bytes. 
       Tiny-158: Same as above, effective length is 158 bytes. 
       Tiny-159: Same as above, effective length is 159 bytes. 
       Tiny-160: Same as above, effective length is 160 bytes. 
       Tiny-167: Same as above, effective length is 167 bytes. 
       Tiny-198: Same as above, effective length is 198 bytes. 
       Tiny Family.Fred: Tiny Family.Fred was received in July, 1994.  It 
               is a 255 byte member of this group of viruses.  It adds 255 
               bytes to the .COM and .EXE programs it infects.  Infected 
               programs will contain the following text string at the end of 
               the file: 
               Origin:  Unknown  July, 1994.   
       See:   Dutch Tiny   Micro 128   Mini-97   Tiny Virus 

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