Sunday Virus
Virus Name: Sunday
V Status: Common
Discovered: November, 1989
Symptoms: TSR; executable file growth; messages; FAT corruption
Origin: Washington (state), United States
Eff Length: 1,636 Bytes
Type Code: PRsAT - Parasitic Resident .COM, .EXE. & .OV? Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, AVTK, NAV, Sweep, IBMAV,
NAVDX, VAlert, PCScan, ChAV,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: F-Prot, NAV, or delete infected files
General Comments:
The Sunday virus was discovered by many users in the Seattle,
Washington area in November, 1989. This virus activates on any
Sunday, displaying the message:
"Today is Sunday! Why do you work so hard?
All work and no play make you a dull boy!
Come on! Let's go out and have some fun!"
The Sunday virus appears to have been derived from the Jerusalem
virus, the viral code being similar in many respects.
Damage to the file allocation table or FAT has been reported from a
number of infected users.
Known variant(s) of Sunday are:
Sunday-B: Similar to the Sunday virus, this variant does not
activate on any day of the week due to an error in the
day of the week checking routine. The message in the
virus is never displayed, and no damage is done to the
file allocation table.
Sunday-C: Similar to Sunday-B, this variant also never activates.
It has, however, been modified so that it differs from
both the Sunday and Sunday-B viruses. Functionally, it
is the same as Sunday-B.
Sunday.Satan: Similar to the Sunday virus, this variant's low
system memory TSR is 1,936 bytes in size, hooking
interrupts 08 and 21. It infects .COM and .EXE programs,
including COMMAND.COM, when they are executed. .COM files
increase in size by 1,636 bytes with the virus being
located at the beginning of the file. .EXE files increase
in size by 1,636 to 1,650 bytes with the virus being
located at the end of the file. The program's date and
time in the DOS disk directory listing will not be altered.
The following text strings are visible within the viral code
in all infected programs:
"* Satan Virus *Carzy !! Another Masterpiece of Satan....."
"Written by Mad Satan in TAIWAN .\ Version 2.04 /"
"= Mad Satan ="
Origin: Taiwan April 1994.
Sunday-UNAM: Similar to the Sunday virus, this variant's low
system memory TSR is 1,872 bytes in size, hooking
interrupts 08 and 21. It infects .COM and .EXE programs,
other than COMMAND.COM, when they are executed. .COM files
increase in size by 1,636 bytes with the virus being
located at the beginning of the file. .EXE files increase
in size by 1,636 to 1,650 bytes with the virus being
located at the end of the file. The program's date and
time in the DOS disk directory listing will not be altered.
On Sundays, it will display the following message,
accompanied with a strange sound on the system speaker:
"El talento no impide tener manias,
pero las hace mas notables.
Saludos porros de la UNAM"
This message and sound are repeated every 12 seconds. The
above text strings are visible within the viral code in
infected programs, as is the following text string:
Origin: Mexico City, Mexico April 1993.
See: Carfield Jerusalem Sunday-2