Sparse Virus
Virus Name: Sparse
Aliases: Sparse-B
V Status: Rare
Discovered: April, 1991
Symptoms: TSR; .COM growth; gradual decrease in available free memory
Origin: Unknown
Eff Length: 3,840 Bytes
Type Code: PRsCK - Parasitic Resident .COM Infector
Detection Method: ViruScan, F-Prot, Sweep, AVTK, PCScan,
NShld, LProt, Sweep/N, Innoc, NProt, AVTK/N,
Removal Instructions: Delete infected files
General Comments:
The Sparse virus was received in April, 1991. Sparse is a memory
resident infector of .COM files, including COMMAND.COM.
The first time a program infected with Sparse is executed, the
virus will install itself memory resident as a low system memory
TSR of 3,872 bytes. Interrupts 21, D1 and D3 will be hooked by
the virus.
Once Sparse is memory resident, it will infect .COM programs,
including COMMAND.COM, when they are executed. Infected .COM
programs will increase in size by 3,840 bytes with the virus being
located at the beginning of the infected file. The infected file's
date and time in the disk directory will also be updated to the
system date and time when infection occurred.
Programs infected with Sparse will have the ASCII characters "UK"
as the second and third bytes of the executable program. They will
also contain the text string SHELLC, and contain the name of the
program that originally resulted in the virus becoming memory
resident. (If the first infected program executed was
"", then "" will be found in all later infected
programs as long as the virus was memory resident.)
Systems infected with Sparse will slowly have less and less available
free memory available. The loss of free memory occurs once the
virus is memory resident, execution of an infected program will
result in an additional 64K block of memory being allocated. If the
user executes 10 infected programs, in effect there will be no free
memory available.
Known variant(s) of Sparse are:
Sparse-B: Functionally equivalent to the original Sparse virus,
this variant has approximately 20 bytes which differ.