Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #3 - Members/Joining
Well there has been a little more action in the ranks of VLAD since
the last issue. We now have two new members, the first based in
America and Rhincewind in a mystery country. There are
contributions from all of us in this issue so things are coming
together as a group.
There is one other author who is at the moment in the process of
trying to join so I'd say we pretty much have enough people in the
group for now. If you want to submit anything to us send it to
us anyways and it will get put in if it's decent.
Metabolis }
Qark } Australia
Darkman } Denmark
Automag } France
Antigen } America
Rhincewind } Unknown :)
(VLAD is still based in Australia ;)
Each of us do the same sort of thing, i.e. code and write articles
so it's not really worth putting in what we each do individually ;).
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