Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #2 - Greets
There are plenty of people that we'd all like to greet and
naturally we can't remember everyone we've ever spoken to
so if we missed you, don't take offence :) annoy us enough
and we'll greet you in the next issue hehe
Ferris : thanks for the ftp/bot site man, good stuff
Levski : up Bulgarski ;)
Coaxial Karma : still writing that mag interface?
Omega : i finally caught up with you
Tiphoid : :) told ya I'd greet you
The Unforgiven : will have to do that interview!
Evil Avatar : ops r c00l ok!!
Time Lord : get yourself a pc ;)
Memory Lapse : u r 3133+ d3wd
Priest : thanx for the help!
Garbage Heap : did you ever get issue 1?! :)
Aladar : thanks for the account(s) ;)
Crypt Keeper : keep up the work with textbox
Zerial : we go way back hehe
Screaming Radish : Windows sucks
Talon : you need more IRC!
Xalopp : (Connection reset by beer) <- that's cool
Grayarea : keep MUDing.. heh
Shockwave : more like sleep child ;)
Falcon : will try and have a chat sometime
Ripmax : thanks for the dist man
King Dan : dan the man is the king? .. i don't think so :)
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