Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #4 - Fight Back!
F I G H T B A C K !
(c) 1995 by Sauron's Mouth
This document is dedicated to all virus writers which think that just barely
finishing a virus is a good job. It's lame! There are thousands of primitive
viruses which don't have stealth, aren't polymorphic or don't even have any
retro structures. A lot of viruses aren't bug free and won't spread far.
If you aren't skilled enough to code a full-stealth virus or a polymorphic
engine and feel great when finishing another lame non-resident virus then
stop reading this. Most likely this stuff is beyond your wildest dreams.
AV's are invited to read on. Just see how weak your 'protection' is.
In this document you will find tricks to bypass or disable AV software and
ways to make the life of the AV people even harder. I will not give you
complete sources, try yourself. If you write viruses just to infect other
people or destroy data then piss off. Coding is fun, and this should be the
only reason to make viruses. But let's start with the real stuff.
Most AV programs have weak spots. Some of the AV programs have A LOT of weak
spots. But before starting with retro structures I suggest you consider this
for your virus:
- Don't infect programs with internal overlays. They will be corrupted
or won't work anymore after infection. It's very easy to check this:
compare the real file size (maybe with i21/4202 CX=DX=0) with the code
size indicated in the EXE header (offset 2 and 4 plus paragraphs in
header) It's also a good idea to check for 40h at offset 18h in the
EXE header.
- Don't (!) reset INT 13h while infecting files. This will corrupt your
hard disk very fast when a disk cache is used.
- Set all registers (AX-DX, SI/DI/BP) to zero before returning to the
host program. This will prevent trouble with programs which require
command-line parameters.
- Use extra memory. It's very easy to use UMB, HMA or EMS memory.
See i21h/5803h (DOS-UMB), i2Fh/4310h (XMS-UMB/HMA) and i67 (EMS).
Keep in mind that when staying resident in the HMA you can only use
INT 13h for reading/writing. INT 21/3F and 40 don't function there.
There's still some virus scanners which just scan the memory up to
640K, for example TNTVIRUS and it's derivates CPAV & MSAV.
Don't resize the last MCB or reduce the top of memory. There's a lot
of tools which can detect this.
- Set INT 24h to [MOV AL,3 / IRET] while infecting files. This will
suppress error messages when infecting files on write protected disks.
This is stupid, but there's still viruses which don't do this.
- Wipe the file attributes before opening a program and restore them
after the infection. Viruses that can't infect READ-ONLY files are
lame. Also keep the file time stamp during infection.
- Setup a correct new stack for infected EXE files. Don't use CS=SS
but SS=CS+1 and avoid odd SP values. To make the testing of cleaners
a bit more difficult you should also increase MINIMAL PARAGRAPHS
NEEDED in the EXE header. If you make this, the AV people can't use a
simple file compare to validate the cleaned file.
- Use anti-heuristic structures. There's alot of virus scanners with
heuristics now. F-PROT isn't that good, but TBSCAN and AVP are really
good at detecting unknown viruses.
Don't use
CMP AX,4B00h but maybe XCHG AX,BX
JE Label_1 CMP BX,4B00h
JE Label_1
There are thousands of ways of varying this. Be creative!
Especially the example above is very often detected, for example by
the heuristic memory-scanning (!) of AVP.
There are other structures you should really avoid:
CMP [0],"Z" (Search for last MCB)
MOV [1],8 (Mark MCB as system area)
SUB [3],xxxx (Cut MCB by xxxx paragraphs)
MOV AX,2521h (Hook INT 21h)
INT 21h
MOV [84],xxxx (Hook INT 21h directly)
MOV [86],cs
MOV AX,[413] / (Modify top of memory)
MOV [413],AX
CALL $+3 (Get current IP)
CMP [xxxx],"ZM" (Check for EXE file)
CMP [xxxx],"XE" (Check for COM or EXE extension)
CMP [xxxx],"OC"
MOV DI,100h (Restore the header of a COM program)
MOV [100h],xxxx
MOV [102h],yy
MOV AX,100h (Jump back to COM starting IP)
MOV AX,100h
MOV AX,F592h (Installation check)
INT 21h
CMP AX,2343h
3.1 Full-stealth (file level):
Many viruses just have semi-stealth, but it's very easy to make a virus
full-stealth. In my opinion this belongs to the basic structures of a
virus, and every virus should be at least full-stealth.
There are two ways to achieve full-stealth:
1. Clean infected programs at i21/3Dxx. This has some advantages but
causes many other problems. It won't work on write protected disks,
it's slow (ok, most people uses disk caches) and very primitive.
It's effective against MSAV/CPAV anti-stealth and should
be enabled when MSAV.EXE or CPAV.EXE is executed.
(But who's is using this rubbish anyway?)
2. The more professional way is to clean infected files during reading.
Just intercept the following i21 functions:
AH=11/12 - Just do normal semi-stealth (SUB ES:[BX+1C],Vir_Length)
AH=4E/4F - Same as above
AH=3F - This is the most difficult part of the code. First of all,
check if the opened file is infected. You should store the
complete original file header behind the virus code if you
infect a file, you'll need it now.
AH=40 - Check if the file is infected and if true clean it before
allowing the write access.
AX=4202 - You don't have to handle 4200 or 4201. Just take care of
subfunction 2 because it sets the file pointer relative to
the file end. Allow the interrupt and subtract the virus
size from the resulting DX:AX pointer.
AX=4B01 - This is used by debuggers. Just clean the file completely
before allowing this call.
The following situations must be handled with i21/3F:
0 18h
# Header # Program # Virus # Original Header #
+++++ (Read access from 0 to <18h)
+++ (Read access from >0 to <18h)
+++++++++==== (Read access from 0 to >18h)
++++== (Read access from >0 to >18h)
In this case the read access is just around the file header.
Just copy the neccessary part from the original header into
the read buffer. Be careful, the read access could start at
file offset <> 0.
# Header # Program # Virus # Original Header #
The first case can be ignored. The second one crosses the border
and reads into the virus area. In this case just cut the read to
the legal program area. If you change the CX of the read remember to
restore it before returning to the host program! The third case is
very easy to handle, just return Carry=0 and AX=0 to the host.
You should check the ranges BEFORE the read access. If not, you
must also handle the correct setting of the file pointer.
# Header # Program # Virus # Original Header #
++++++=================++++++++++++++++++ (Read access)
Of course your virus must be able to handle combinations of the
mentioned situations.
Some virus coders obviously don't know the RETF 2 operand. If you have
to abort an interrupt and need special flags use RETF 2 instead if IRET.
CMP AX,4202h ; Set file pointer?
JNE Lbl_1
CALL Check_If_Infected ; File is infected?
JNE Lbl_1
PUSHF ; Call i21
JC Lbl_2 ; Error?
SUB AX,Virus_Length ; Adjust with virus length
Lbl_2: RETF 2 ; Return without restoring the flags
A good way to check your stealth routine is FC and CHKSAFE and a binary
file viewer.
How to mark infected files? Most stealth viruses add 100 years to the
file date or set the seconds field to 60 or 62. Don't use this! A lot of
AV programs detect this (primitive heuristic) and also some AV-TSRs
will warn the user about files with an illegal time stamp. (TBFILE)
I've seen two solutions for this problem:
1. Just set a static 'legal' time stamp, maybe SECONDS=2 or a complete
new time stamp as 4-1-94. Keep in mind that you can't restore this
back to the original state when intercepting i21/11/12/4E/4F.
Some integrity checkers will warn the user if the time stamp has
changed, regardless as to whether the other file attributes are
2. Size padding is quite complicated in combination with full-stealth
when you want to return the original file size. You have to open
the file and get the stored information. This is done by Havoc or
N8FALL, but this also slows down the execution of DIR when no disk
cache is activated. Padding means that you round up the file size
when infecting a program. Havoc uses a padding size of 1Fh bytes.
CHKDSK will cause trouble when intercepting i21/11/12. Those faked file
allocation errors are very easy to detect, and you really should think
of a way to suppress these errors. The errors are caused by intercepting
INT 21h/11/12 which gives results that dont match the directory entries.
An easy way is used by Natas. It checks the PSP of the current program
at the execution of i21/11/12. At [PSP:2C] you can find the name of the
current program and if this is CHKDSK Natas doesn't intercept i21/11/12.
It's also possible to check the name when i21/4B00 is called and disable
the intercepting of i21/11/12 until CHKDSK is terminated with i21/4C.
This is done by Tremor.
But it's very easy to rename CHKDSK and fool a lot of stealth viruses.
It's possible to intercept CHKDSK, no matter which name it has. Just
disable the semi-stealth code when i21/32h is called and enable it with
i21/4B/4C. This call is used by many disk tools and of course by CHKDSK.
As most other tools use i21/4E/4F it doesn't matter if you disable the
handling of INT 21h/11/12.
3.2 Full-stealth (sector level)
This is only interesting for multipartite or boot sector viruses.
It's very easy to do, most sector viruses have this already.
But you also should take care of sector WRITES into the MBR. If you
don't redirect this the virus could be wiped very easily, no matter
if it's active or not.
Sometimes sector-stealth viruses just intercept the reading of the
first sector and won't hide the change if more than one sector is
read. Take care of this!
You should also hide the used sectors at cylinder zero on the hard disk
and the additionally used sectors on floppy disks.
It's a good idea to block INT 13h/0A/0B (Long read/write) and to use
stealth at port-level as it is demonstrated with the Megastealth virus.
For port-level stealth you have to hook INT 76h or INT 15h (function
91h). This kind of stealth is effective against many AV programs, for
example against Invircible's 'LookThrough' feature.
But keep in mind that port-level stealth can be disabled by just
resetting INT 15h and INT 76h. (ADinf)
The boot sequence is critical. Take care of QEMM which reloads the
partition and of TBUTIL which is able to immunize the partition.
There's two sector viruses which can bypass an immunized partition,
GoldBug and Havoc. The immunized partition just checks for changes at
[0:413], INT 13h and the boot sector. GoldBug hooks INT 10h, cleans
the partition and reinfects it after DOS is installed. Havoc patches the
partition code directly to avoid warnings.
Windows with it's 32 bit disk-access will also cause trouble for
multipartite viruses. Again Havoc and GoldBug are examples how to bypass
this problem. Havoc adds the command-line parameter '/D:F' when WIN.COM
is executed, GoldBug intercepts i2F/1605h and removes it's INT 13h
routine from the interrupt chain until Windows is terminated.(i2F/1606h)
3.3 Polymorphic encryption
This is used to make detection of the virus more difficult, but many of
the so called polymorphic engines are a joke and can be detected using
scan strings with wildcards. Many virus coders are of the opinion that
an engine should create as many garbage instructions as possible and
forget to vary the main encryption operands. In fact, SMEG and DSCE
are very difficult to detect. SMEG because of it's huge decryptors which
causes TBSCAN and AVP to slow down extremely and DSCE because of it's
anti-heuristic structures. It just builds the actual decryption loop
during execution. But both engines add too much senseless rubbish into
the decryptor. TPE doesn't create quite as complex decryptors but these
decryptors look more 'smooth', which causes problems for the scanners.
Here are some examples which you should avoid:
- don't use too many single byte operands like NOP, STI, CLI, CLC, ...
- don't use branches with zero length offsets (JMP $+2, LOOP $)
- don't use too many equal MOV REG,xxxx in a row
- don't use instructions which are not created by TASM/MASM
That would set another flag for TBSCAN. (Flag '@')
- don't use the standard anti-debugging tricks like OUT 21,AL
or INT 1/3 manipulation
Some methods to stop TBSCAN and AVP from decrypting the virus code:
- make several layers of encryption
- use 286/386 opcodes. This will cause flags with TBSCAN but you could
use them in the second decryptor level.
- don't use linear code. Branch alot.
- use do-nothing i21h functions like AH=4D, 54h, i16H/01 and others.
TBSCAN will stop decrypting if it finds such calls.
- Fake PKLITE, DIET or LZEXE decompression headers. TBSCAN will just
say "LOOKING" and won't scan this file.
- make use of stack tricks (see encryption of Witch virus)
- use CPU queue tricks to fool TBAV and AVP
ORG 100h
MOV CX,200h
Lbl_1: MOV AX,666h
Lbl_2: MOV SI,OFFSET Encryption_Area
MOV CS:BYTE PTR [Lbl_2],0bfh
LOOP Lbl_1
The first MOV [Lbl_1],5 will turn MOV AX,666 into an ADD AX,666h, and
the MOV [Lbl_2],0bfh will turn the MOV SI into MOV DI.
In general, the decryptors must look 'smooth' but must also be complex
enough to fool the scanners. It's not very easy to make a 'successful'
polymorphic engine. And you must consider if the virus will get too
long with a complex engine. Speed or complexity, it's your choice.
It's very easy to attack AV programs as they usually don't take any
precautions against direct attacks. I wonder about this. How stupid are
are those coders? In my opinion it's close to an invitation to break
their security measures, don't you agree? :)
4.1 Attacking the programs and data files
The simplest thing is to delete the checksum files like CHKLIST.CPS,
and others. In most cases the programs create new files without warning
the user.
You should also take care of the configuration files. If you delete
Integrity Master's IM.PRM, all old checksums will become useless as IM
creates random keys every installation. Deleting Invircible's \IV.INI
and IVB.INI will cause that IVB switch back to old IVB.NTZ file name.
Deleting the scanners is not a good idea because the user will most
likely notice the virus at once.
An interesting way to infect the partition is to modify \PART.NTZ or
\BOOT.CPS (or .MS / .TAV). These files are not encrypted. If you insert
the virus into these files no AV-TSR will warn the user. Next bootup
IVINIT or BOOTSAFE will warn about the 'changed' partition and most
likely the user will allow the programs to 'restore' the partition. Poor
fool. He just infected the system by himself. If your virus has sector
stealth you should delete \BOOT.CPS or \PART.NTZ when the virus installs
first time during boot up.
4.2 Faked parameters
Once your virus is in the hands of the AV crowd it will take just days
or even hours until their scanners are updated. Even if the virus is so
heavily polymorphic that they can't write an alogrithmic method for the
virus they will quickly include a string for the memory checking. But
imagine if scanners didn't scan memory at all. That would be great! Then
just add /NOMEM (or equivalents) to the command line at execution of the
scanner. Keeper.Lemming fooled TBSCAN this way.
Suggested parameters:
IVB.EXE: /S or /V
WIN.COM: /D:F (For multipartite viruses)
If you add CO to TBSCAN's command line then don't forget to patch the
screen display of 'FILE SYSTEM: DOS' back to 'FILESYSTEM: OWN'.
4.3 Disable the shields
Everyone knows how to disable VSAFE:
MOV DX,5945H
INT 16h
You can find this call in nearly every new virus. But obviously the
virus coders haven't noticed the change in VSAFE (CPAV) and TSAFE (TNT).
This call is now useless!
A more effective way to disable TSAFE, TBDRIVER, SDRES, NAVTSR and
others is to patch the TSR in memory.
TBDRIVER could be disabled very easily. Since version 6.2x upto 6.3x
and newer versions NOTHING has changed in this TSR. The TBDRIVER-INT 21h
looks like this:
EB 05 JMP Label_1
EA xxxx yyyy JMP FAR PTR Old_Int21
Just patch the 5 to 0 and TBDRIVER is disabled. No more tracer blocking,
memory checking, file control and scanning. Well, there is a problem
with this patching. Where is the TSR located?
If the user loaded other TSRs after TBDRIVER the INT 21 code is hidden.
Well, what about tracing through INT 21 and checking the code during
the tracing process? This works fine, as demonstrated in Havoc.
If you don't want to use a tracer then scan through the MCB chain.
TBUTIL immunized partitions, VSAFE/TSAFE and NAVTSR could be disabled
in the same way.
If this is too much code then just call i21/4B00 with a non-existant
name or not enough memory free after you hooked INT 21. TBMEM stores the
current memory map and interrupt list when i21/4B00 is called and
compares it when the program terminates with i21/4C. The faked i21/4B00
call will force TBMEM to 'forget' the clean environment and your virus
can install without any problem.
Another possible solution is to stop installation and infection when the
virus notices AV-TSRs in memory. This is very easy, for example check
the MCB chain for names like 'VSAFE', 'TBDRIVER' and so on.
The TBAV TSRs can be detected by opening 'TBDRVXXX', 'TBDSKXXX' or
'TBFILXXX'. This are names of the installed devices and if you can open
them, the TSRs are active in memory.
4.4 Tunneling
Well, tracing is not the best way to find the original i21 and i13
entries. All good AV-TSRs can disable tracers. There's a much better way
which needs DOS 5.0 up to 6.22 and the DOS=HIGH setting.
(It's also possible with DOS=LOW)
Well, just take a look at this:
MOV AH,52h
INT 21h
MOV BX,109Eh
Execute this and look at ES:BX. This is the entry-point into the DOS
kernel. This method works fine with EMM386, QEMM or 386MAX and there
are no other TSRs behind this, only plain DOS.
If you are careful you could check if this entry-point looks like:
90 NOP
90 NOP
E8 xx xx CALL xxxx
2E FF 2E yyyy JMP FAR CS:[yyyy]
There's no similar way for INT 13, but you could use direct port access
4.5 Memory and MCB stealth
Some users have eyes (yes, no joke :) and will see that the amount of
free memory is decreasing. A way around this problem is to release the
memory of the virus during the execution of the system info tools.
Just intercept i21/4B00 and check for CHkdsk, MEm, SYsinfo, SI, MFt, MI
and others. If such a tool is being executed set the MCB marker back to
zero and at i21/4C00 back again to 8 (system area).
You maybe already noticed that your virus couldn't infect TBSCAN.EXE
without setting off it's selfcheck alarm, no matter how good your full-
stealth code is. The first step is to add 'CO' to the command line, but
TBSCAN.EXE also checks it's MCB size in memory. Well, no problem at all.
Just subtract the virus paragraph size from the word at [MCB:3] before
returning to the host. This is only neccessary for EXE files which have
the MAXIMUM PARAGRAPHS NEEDED entry set below FFFFh. COM programs always
take all free memory and can't be MCB-stealthed.
Example: (taken from Havoc)
MOV AH,62h
INT 21h
MOV BX,Old_MCB_Length
CMP BH,50h
JA Lbl_1
INT 21h
Lbl_1: POP BX
How to calculate 'Old_MCB_Length':
MOV CX,20h
ADD AX,10h
Lbl_2: MOV WORD PTR [Old_MCB_Length],AX
uninfected EXE header.
4.5 Anti-Bait
If an AV researcher gets your virus he most likely wants to infect his
own baits. And there're a lot of programs which create baits in order
to catch active viruses. To make their job a little bit harder your
virus shouldn't infect files smaller than 5000 or even 10000 bytes and
ignore files that have the current system date (month and year) set.
Baits are usually newly created and have the current date as time stamp.
If your virus avoid such files, the baits will never get infected.
4.6 Slow polymorphic
Normal polymorphic engines mutate with every new infected file. But
remember when Tremor popped up in March '93. At this point the virus
was already well-known to most of the AV community. But several months
later F-PROT and TBSCAN still couldn't detect Tremor reliably. The
reason for this is that Tremor mutates quite slowly. If you infect some
programs on the same date the decryptors won't look much different.
But then set the system date to the next day or month. Surprise! Now the
decryptors look completely different. Usually the AV researchers don't
have enough time to test a virus completely and because of this F-PROT
and TBSCAN missed Tremor in many files. Tremor's successor Havoc uses
the same way to confuse the researchers and again F-PROT and TBSCAN
still don't detect 100 percent of all samples.
But you could make the research even more difficult. Tremor checks the
system time and date during every infection in order to randomize the
decryptor construction. So it's very easy to code a bait-launcher which
varies the time and date before it creates and executes a new bait file.
But what will happen if the virus generates new random numbers at every
installation ONLY? This will slow down the polymorphic engine extremely
but the researchers have to restart the computer for every new bait file
which should be infected with a different encryption.
Well, most AV companies create more than 10000 files for one polymorphic
virus. Imagine the time they must waste now. 10000 times rebooting!
Believe me, this will drive some of the AV researchers mad :)
4.7 'Non-curable' infections
Most viruses infect files in the standard way. They just modify the file
header and add the virus code at the file end. This kind of infection
can be cured very fast with TBCLEAN, NAV and Invircible which use data
files for curing. To prevent this you could infect files like Commander
Bomber or One_Half do. Insert pieces of code into random positions.
This is very effective, but will make full-stealth impossible.
Multipartite viruses like Stoned.Empire.Monkey.B, or GoldBug or have
a method to prevent simple removing with FDISK /MBR. First of all your
virus must have sector-stealth. The trick is to wipe the partition data
except for the virus code and the boot marker AA55h. If the virus isn't
active the hard disk becomes inaccessible. If the user then tries
FDISK /MBR all data is lost! Remember, without sector-stealth this
can't work and the system will hang next bootup.
One_Half has another life insurance. It encrypts the hard disk, one
sector at every system restart. Because it uses a random key all data
gets lost if you just remove the virus from the partition without
decrypting the rest of the partition.
I think I don't have to waste space to tell you that non-resident viruses
are the most boring thing one could do. Agreed?
Well, some virus coders think that infecting as many programs as possible
in the shortest possible time intervall makes their virus better and
spread much further. What I'm talking of is commonly called
fast-infector. (Or was it piggybacking? :)
In my opinion fast-infection is also the fastest way to get the virus
detected by even VERY stupid users. Fast-infectors slow down the system
in such a way that their detection is just a question of time.
Invircible even checks the free disk space before and after opening
programs during it's checks.
The next point is what victims the virus should infect. Viruses that only
infect COM don't spread far. Just have a look into the directories
of your hard disk. Count COM files and compare it with the number of
possible EXE victims. Infecting SYS files is a interesting job to do, but
will never make the virus spread further than without that ability.
Just a waste of space.
The same goes for strange and incompatible infection methods like DIR-2,
Circus Cluster or Assassin use. The routines they use are very effective
concerning their stealth abilities. But DIR-2 crashes with DOS 5.0 or
above, Circus Cluster will most likely never find fitting EXE files and
Assassin will be wiped with the next execution of DEFRAG or SPEEDISK.
Again, this is pure waste of time. Such viruses will never spread far.
Viruses using 'standard' methods of infection spread furtherest as the
past shows.
It's a good idea to stop infecting when the virus notices the presence of
advanced antivirus software like TBAV. In this case the user is most
likely advanced and will notice the virus quite soon.
And as some viruses already do, disabling the stealth code when using
backup software (BACKUP, CPBACKUP) or archiver like ARJ, PKZIP or LHA
will help to spread the virus even further. If the virus manages to
infiltrate into the users backups it could survive much longer.
Finally, don't upload your virus to any VX BBS. Almost every AV guy has
access to a lot of these boards and your virus will be in the hands of
the AV researchers within little time. In this way, it will never spread
in the wild.
The following text has been extracted from 'POSSIBLE VIRUS ATTACKS' by
Vesselin Bontchev, Virus Test Center. (Well, everyone should know him)
It contains some good ideas, so why not use them?
Thanks Vesselin! :)
Almost all the attacks described above have been "tried" by the virus
writers, by implementing them in some virus - at least to demonstrate
that it is possible and "can be done." However, most of these viruses
have been "demonstration-only" and not able to spread widely. Let's
try to imagine what can be done by just combining the different kinds
of attack listed above. This (imaginary) virus will be a slow
infector, so we shall name it Kuang [Gibson]. Since it combines only
the currently known infection techniques, it is just a matter of time
before such viruses begin to appear. The reader is invited to try to
figure out him/herself how well such virus will spread and how well
prepared is the line of anti-virus defense that s/he currently uses
against such viruses.
Kuang comes with an infected utility that you get from a BBS or a
public archive site, from the boot sector of a data-only diskette that
you have forgotten in your boot drive, or from a shrink-(re)wrapped
commercial package produced by a company that decides to save some
money on the quality assurance procedures. When you execute it, it
installs itself in memory in such a way that comparing the listings of
MEM/DEBUG before and after the RAM infection will not show any
differences. This is possible by installing the virus in some holes
in the operating system (like the Tiny virus), in the video memory
(like the StarShip virus), and some other places.
After it becomes active, Kuang does not infect anything at once. If
you now turn your system off, it will be gone - until the next time
you execute the infected utility. However, it carefully watches for
any executable object being modified and infects it. Since it is a
multi-partite virus, it is able to infect almost anything - boot and
master boot sectors, COM and EXE files, overlays, device drivers (like
the SVC 6.0 virus), .OBJ files, libraries... The only condition is
that some modification is performed with the object - that is, a
Create or Write occurs to it (like the Darth Vader, StarShip and
Compiler viruses do).
The virus will spread slowly - mostly when the user copies files or
formats diskettes. When infecting the files, Kuang uses multiple
infection strategies. It tries not to modify the intended file size -
if the file contains a block of zeroes (or even of any single byte
that is repeated over and over), the virus uses this area to put its
body (like the Phoenix and Squisher viruses do). If an EXE file has a
sufficiently large EXE header, the virus compresses the relocation
items (like the Phoenix.2000 virus does) in order to free space for
its body.
Kuang watches for a file with an archive extension (ARC, ARJ, HYP,
LHZ, PAK, ZIP, or ZOO) for being opened. When this happens, the virus
changes its behavior. It becomes a fast infector - it begins to
infect all executable files (executable in the broad sense, including
.OBJ files and libraries) when they are opened (not only when they are
modified) and to disinfect them when they are closed (unless they are
newly created). This behavior remains until the archive file is
closed. This will ensure that all files being archived will go into
the archive infected and all files extracted from the archive will be
infected too.
During the infection/disinfection of the files during archiving as
described above, the virus uses the tunneling technology (like the
Frodo virus) to avoid the possibly present monitoring programs. (This
technique is not needed during the normal slow infection, since then
the user will not be surprised by a message that a file is about to be
modified - because it was the user him/herself who initiated the
Furthermore, while active in memory, Kuang uses the stealth technology
(like the Number of the Beast virus), in order to prevent from being
detected by simply comparing the copy of the file with the original or
by using the /V switch of the COPY command.
Just in case somebody detects it, Kuang uses armouring tricks (like
the Whale or Fish viruses), in order to make the code more difficult
to disassemble, debug, and understand.
Additionally, it uses a polymorphic technique, comparable with the one
used in the V2Px viruses, or in Dark Avenger's Mutating Engine (MtE),
so that even when detected and disassembled, it will be extremely
difficult to produce a scanner that will be able to locate and
recognize it with 100 reliability...
At last, the virus can be made to be Novell NetWare-aware and to
exploit any security holes in the settings of the directory and file
rights. As described in [Cohen92], under Novell NetWare it is not
trivial to setup all the protection rights and attributes in a way
that will make virus spread impossible. There are many LANs out
there, which are not configured in a secure way. Therefore, a clever
virus should be able to exploit this.
I don't fully agree with that text. Slow infectors can be intercepted by
AV-TSRs. At least diskettes and the partition should be infected as
fast as possible to allow the virus to activate at the next system
restart. Also, it's nearly impossible to have full-stealth combined with
a header infecting virus. Vesselin obviously never wrote complex viruses
before. :) Infecting OBJ or libaries is interesting, but a waste of space
which should be used for a proper polymorphic engine instead.
What I would call 'heavy impact' is a virus which infects EXE programs,
the partition and boot sectors of disks, with full-stealth routines, a
good polymorphic engine and enough retro abilities to disable the most
common AV programs. This is not very difficult, and One_Half, Havoc,
Gold_Bug and Natas are already designed in this way.
Finally, I have an idea for those who are still interested in writing
complex viruses. Up to now, every virus construction kit is very
primitive. The better ones include polymorphic engines, but so far I've
seen neither BW or NLRG caused any problems for AVP. I have a better idea
to make detection impossible. Why not use polymorphic code generation
instead of just adding polymorphic encryption?
AVP and TBSCAN simply trace through the decryptors and scan the virus
with normal scan strings. But imagine if the virus code itself is changed
every time? Of course, this is too complex for a virus and must be
included in a construction kit.
Instead of simply using
MOV CX,37h
LEA DX,[BP+xxxx]
INT 21h
the construction engine should be able to build things like this:
MOV CL,37h
ADD DX,xxxx
INT 21h
OR CL,37h
ADD AH,30h
SUB DX,-xxxx
Each instruction must be done randomly every time you create a new virus.
Don't use any fixed pattern, or scan strings will be possible again.
If you do this for the complete virus, code detection will be VERY
difficult. The AV researchers will have to invoke your kit many times in
a row to get all possible mutations and if you use slow polymorphic code
generation they'll probably never find all possible mutations. Code
decryption will not help against this. Even better, your virus doesn't
need a lengthy polymorphic engine any more!
Think twice, this is the final impact for the AV comunity.
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