Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #5 - Dist/Contact Info
Dist/Contact Info
I haven't been contacted by many people wanting to be a dist
site for us, so the list hasn't grown that much. Ah well, if
you want your bbs added to this elite group email me at the
address below (yes, another email address.. maybe this one
will survive for once!!).
I spend most my time on IRC in the channel #virus (efnet),
so you can catch me there if you wanna chat. You could try
leaving a message on the newsgroup alt.comp.virus, although
i don't read it very often.
Through internet you can get our magazine a few different ways,
either ftp from
ftp.fc.net : /pub/deadkat/virus/vlad
ftp.netcom.com : /pub/br/bradleym/Zines/VLAD
world wide web : http://nether.net/~halflife
if the homepage at nether.net is down, you should always
be able to reach the vlad homepage from http://www.io.org/~ronl
or see if lamerbot is on irc (usually on #virus) and type
/msg lamerbot get Zines/VLAD/vlad#?.zip
Anyways, here's the list of BBSs you can get all of our releases
Board Number Sysop Country
W.C.I.V.R Node 1 714-772-7039 Falcon America
W.C.I.V.R Node 2 714-533-9615 "" ""
TFU 404-977-3098 NiMRooD ""
Arrested Development +31-77547477 Omega Holland
Darkland BBS +45-45974344 Darkman Denmark
Wizard's Lair +46-8-6586541 The Wizard Sweden
Tron BBS +49-3995422037 Tron Germany *
* login VLAD pwd PARIS
Destiny Stone ][ Node 1 +61-92462553 RipMax Australia *2
Destiny Stone ][ Node 2 +61-92463491 "" "" *2
*2 login VLAD pwd SITE
UiS +60-35210772 Pop Malaysia
Black Adder +97-26514404 Nimrod Israel
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