Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #6 - Coding the Mag
Magazine help!
The file_id.diz for this issue was kindly donated by Billy the Kid/IR.
The intro effects were programmed by Quantum, and Qark did the game.
Our good friend NCL93DeV of Immortalia Team did the VLAD VGA's, and
as always, did a great job, which we really appreciate.
As with VLAD#5, Squidgalator ][ worked on short notice to get the ansi's
done for the main menu. Thanx man!
Using the mag!
If you wish to skip the VGA intro and piccy, put anything on the
command line. That should do it.
Here is a quick rundown on the keys:
The Main Menu
DOWN THE MENU ---------------------- DOWN Cursor Key
UP THE MENU ---------------------- UP Cursor Key
RIGHT A MENU ---------------------- RIGHT Cursor Key
LEFT A MENU ---------------------- LEFT Cursor Key
SELECT AN ARTICLE ---------------------- ENTER Key
QUIT ---------------------- ESCAPE Key
The Reader
UP ---------------------- UP Cursor Key
DOWN ---------------------- DOWN Cursor Key
PAGE DOWN ---------------------- PAGE DOWN Key
PAGE UP ---------------------- PAGE UP Key
THE TOP ---------------------- HOME key
THE END ---------------------- END key
EXIT THE ARTICLE ---------------------- ESCAPE Key
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