Virus Labs & Distribution
VLAD #2 - AMI Flash Specification
Here is AMI's Flash BIOS specification. Alot of it is technical
shit, the most important thing is the interrupts. (Int 16 function E0H)
This thing was hard to find. Extremely so. It was hidden amongst
a few hundred other txt files in the AMI ftp site with some obscure
name. Even if someone did see it they probably aren't virus programmers
anyway. You won't find this information anywhere else. Ralph Brown's
doesn't even have it.
I'm not too sure how the voltage works so I'll just take pot
luck and turn it up because I saw that mentioned a few times... hmmm
I wonder if you could burn out a chip by changing the voltage high
during normal computing ? BwaHaHAhaHaha :) nah that would be wrong :)
It is suggested you just refer to this and only scan it for interesting
AMIFLASH - Flash Implementation Guide 1992-1994
American Megatrends, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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American Megatrends, Inc.
Flash Implementation Guide
This document provides a guideline to Flash implementation in the ISA, EISA,
PS/2 compatible motherboard and describes the AMIFLASH, the Flash programming
utility, interface with AMIBIOS, dated 080893 or later for HiFlex BIOS and
dated 111593 or later for WinBIOS.
Revision 2.0 January 10, 1994
Copyright 1992-1994 American Megatrends, Inc.
[Shit copyright thing here...]
[More shit saying about AMI's rights]
For Additional Information
Call American Megatrends BIOS Sales Department at 1-800-828-9264 for
additional information about AMIFLASH.
[Shit disclaimer]
[Limited warranty notice]
[Trademark thingy]
[Revision History]
This document describes the software (BIOS and utility) and hardware details
of flash EPROM implementation in the motherboard.
The flash Programming Utility is required for on-board programming of flash
EPROMs which helps user update the system with new releases of BIOS without
any difficulty (e.g. opening of system chassis, taking out the EPROM,
re-program the EPROM, etc.).
The flash programming utility is unique for each hardware d
design. This gives rise to a situation where user wil
The flash programming utility is unique for each hardware design. This gives
rise to a situation where user will be having a different flash programming
utility for each hardware design. So it is getting very difficult for user to
control so many utilities which basically does the same thing but a
particular utility does not work on any motherboard other than on the one
for which it is meant for.
A few of many factors which make flash programming utility dependent on the
hardware design are stated below:
Method of raising/lowering Vpp depends on hardware.
Method of making flash write-enabled depends on hardware.
Method of disabling shadow RAMs depends on hardware.
Method of disabling cache depends on hardware.
Method of generating hardware reset may depend on hardware.
In case of non-fatal error (e.g. flash not present, etc.), the flash
programming utility must be capable of returning to original operating
condition. This demands certain current system information to be saved before
access to flash can start. These information include the current shadow
status, cache status, power management status, etc. These information depend
on the hardware.
This specification is meant for generalizing the flash programming utility
so that a single flash programming utility can work on all hardware platform.
This demands some interface between flash utility and the BIOS. Following
describes the AMIBIOS specification which needs to be implemented in BIOS to
have a single flash utility for all motherboards.
The different requirements for flash programming are implemented in AMIBIOS
through Function# 0E0h of INT-16.
The Section-1 of the current document contains the functional specification
of the flash programming functions to be implemented in AMIBIOS and Section-2
contains the sample hardware implementation of flash circuit.
The flash EPROMs are mainly of two types namely,
Normal flash (non-sectored) e.g. Intel 28010.
Sectored flash e.g. Intel 28F001BX-T commonly known as boot-block flash.
This document is generated using the above two types of flash as example.
0.2.0 NORMAL (NON-SECTORED) FLASH - Intel 28F010
This is mainly a replacement of standard EPROM with added capability of
reprogramming of the flash EPROM on-board without taking it out from the
motherboard. The hardware requirement for this type of flash is
Method to raise Vpp (programming voltage) to 12.0V. Method to lower Vpp to
normal voltage level.
Method to make flash write-enabled. Method to make flash write-protected
(i.e. read-only).
Please see Section-2 for sample example for hardware implementation.
The main disadvantage of this type of flash is that in case of an error
(due to accidental power failure, etc.) during reprogramming the flash
on-board, the flash eprom must be taken out from the motherboard and must
be reprogrammed with help of eprom programmer.
0.2.1 SECTORED FLASH - Intel 28F001BX-T
This is also a replacement of standard EPROM with added capability of
reprogramming of the flash EPROM on-board without taking it out from the
motherboard. But this flash also has another feature of hardware protecting
one block of the flash from accidental eraser. This type of flash is based
on block architecture and consists of several blocks.
Intel 28F001BX-T has four separate blocks, one hardware protected 8KByte boot
block, two 4KByte parameter blocks and one 112Kbyte code block. The boot
block usually contains a recovery code (also called sometimes as boot block
code) while other three blocks contain the main BIOS and other parameters.
This allows the updating of other three blocks possible with the help of
recovery code even in case of power failure during flash update with flash
programming utility. Of course, the programming utility can not program the
boot block (thereby can not destroy the recovery code) because the boot block
is hardware protected from accidental eraser/write.
The general functionality of recovery code is as follows: after power-on, the
recovery code gets control. The recovery code checks for the validity of the
main BIOS code and if main BIOS is found to be good, recovery code will pass
the control to the main BIOS. If main BIOS is found to bad, then this
recovery code reads the BIOS update ROM file from floppy drive A:, erases
the other three blocks of flash EPROM, programs the other three blocks of
flash EPROM with the data read from diskette in drive A: and generates CPU
reset thereby re-booting the system.
The important point to be noticed is that at power-on, recovery code is seen
at F segment namely at system address space FE000-FFFFF. But when recovery
code gives control to the main bios, the main bios must be mapped to system
address space in F segment namely, F0000-FFFFF. This needs some sort of
address inversion mechanism by which recovery code can invert A16 before
giving control to main BIOS.
At power-on, the mapping of physical flash eprom space to the system address
space is shown in Fig. 1
(See Page 6).
During runtime i.e. after recovery code transfers control to main BIOS, the
mapping of physical flash eprom space to the system address space is shown
in Fig. 2
(See Page 6)
So it is clear that address line A16 inversion is needed in runtime (before
recovery code can pass control to main BIOS) so that main BIOS code can be
seen at system address space F0000-FFFFF.
The hardware requirement for this type of flash is
Method to raise Vpp (programming voltage) to 12.0V. Method to lower Vpp to
normal voltage level.
Method to make flash write-enabled. Method to make flash write-protected
(i.e. read-only).
Method to invert address line A16.
Hardware protection of boot block.
Please see Section-2 for sample example for hardware implementation.
The flash programming requirement is implemented in AMIBIOS through
Function# 0E0h in INT-16. This specification is valid for Version 2.00 of
the specification for extra functions in INT-16 for flash programming.
The general specification is:
Input :
AH E0h
AL subfunction
Other input parameters are specific to subfunction.
CY Error
NC Success
Other output parameters are specific to subfunction.
The output value in register AL should be checked for FAh even if function
returns NC to ensure success.
The different subfunctions are stated below and specifications are described
Subfunction# Description
00h Get Version Number of BIOS-FLASH Interface
01h Get Chipset Save/Restore Status Requirement
02h Save Chipset Status and Prepare Chipset
03h Restore Chipset Status
04h Lower Programming Voltage Vpp
05h Raise Programming Voltage Vpp
06h Flash Write Protect
07h Flash Write Enable
08h Flash Select
09h Flash De-Select
0Ah Verify Allocated Memory
0Bh Save Internal Cache Status
0Ch Restore Internal Cache Status
0Dh-FEh RESERVED for future use
FFh Generate CPU Reset
This routine returns the version number of BIOS-Flash interface
implementation in BCD format in register BX. For example, the version number
2.00 is returned in BX as 0200h.
This routine can be used to determine whether the BIOS-Flash interface is
implemented in BIOS. After returning from the subfunction, the register AL
should be checked for FAh even if it is returned with NC.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 00h
CY BIOS-Flash interface not implemented
NC BIOS-Flash interface implemented
BX Version number in BCD format
Register destroyed: AX BX
This version of implementation should return 0200h (i.e. Version number
2.00) in register BX.
This routine returns the data area space needed to save the current chipset
Input :
AH E0h
AL 01h
CY Error
NC Successful
BX #of bytes needed to save chipset environment
Register destroyed: AX BX
This routine saves the current chipset status in the specified data area
and then prepares the chipset to make the flash EPROM accessible.
Things to be saved here are current status of cache, power management
status, shadow status, etc. This is needed so that in case of non-fatal
error, system can be restored to status where it was before invoking the
flash programming utility. The preparation of chipset to make flash EPROM
accessible includes disabling of shadow rams, disabling of external cache,
disabling of internal cache, disabling of power management, etc. Note that
the features which get disabled should be saved first. The disabling of
cache may be needed to make the target ROM address space non-cacheable. If
target ROM address space is cacheable only if shadow is enabled (i.e. only
shadow ram is cacheable, but rom is not cacheable), disabling of shadow ram
will also make the target ROM address space non-cacheable and so in this
case, disabling of cache is not required. But if ROM is cacheable, then
cache must be disabled. This routine must disable internal cache.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 02h
ES:DI pointer to start of buffer where chipset status
will be saved
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
1.0.3 RESTORE CHIPSET STATUS - Subfunction# 03h
This routine restores the chipset status from the specified data area where
the chipset status was saved by subfunction-02h.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 03h
ES:DI ptr to start of buffer from where the chipset environment
will be restored
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
1.0.4 LOWER PROGRAMMING VOLTAGE Vpp - Subfunction# 04h
This routine lowers the programming voltage Vpp to normal level. This
routine must wait until the voltage level gets stabilized.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 04h
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
1.0.5 RAISE PROGRAMMING VOLTAGE Vpp - Subfunction# 05h
This routine raises the programming voltage Vpp to required voltage (i.e.
to 12.0 Volt for a 12V flash EPROM). This routine must wait until the
voltage level gets stabilized.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 05h
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
1.0.6 FLASH WRITE PROTECT - Subfunction# 06h
This routine makes the flash write-protected. This routine must provide any
delay (if required) for stabilization.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 06h
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
1.0.7 FLASH WRITE ENABLE - Subfunction# 07h
This routine makes the flash write-enabled. This routine must provide any
delay (if required) for stabilization.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 07h
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
1.0.8 FLASH SELECT - Subfunction# 08h
This routine selects the flash. This function is not needed normally. But if
the motherboard has both normal EPROM and flash EPROM present simultaneously
then this routine needs to be implemented. This routine must provide any
delay (if required) for stabilization. If this routine is not needed, then
it must return with successful status.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 08h
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
1.0.9 FLASH DE-SELECT - Subfunction# 09h
This routine de-selects the flash. This function is not needed normally. But
if motherboard has both normal EPROM and flash EPROM present simultaneously
then this routine needs to be implemented. This routine must provide any
delay (if required) for stabilization. If this routine is not needed, then
it must return with successful status.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 09h
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
1.0.10 VERIFY ALLOCATED MEMORY - Subfunction# 0Ah
This routine verifies whether the specified memory can be used or not. This
routine is not needed in normal situation. But in situation like where the
certain memory regions become un-accessible under some special conditions
(e.g. if shadow gets disabled, memory 80000h-9FFFFh may become un-accessible,
etc.), this routine should be used to verify the memory region to be used by
flash programming utility is valid or not. If this routine is not needed,
then it must return with successful status.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 0Ah
ES specified memory segment
BX memory size in number of paragraphs
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
A zero (0) input value of BX will be returned as an error.
1.0.11 SAVE INTERNAL CACHE STATUS - Subfunction# 0Bh
This routine saves the current status of internal cache. Before saving this
routine must check that internal cache is available in the concerned
hardware. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that length of
supplied buffer (where the internal cache status will be saved) is at least
If internal cache is not available in the concerned hardware or this
subfunction is called in protected mode , this routine must return error.
Input :
AH E0h
AL 0Bh
ES:DI pointer to start of buffer where internal cache status
will be saved
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
This routine restores the internal cache status from the specified data area
where internal cache status was saved by subfunction# 0Bh.
If this subfunction is called in protected mode, this routine must return
Input :
AH E0h
AL 0Ch
ES:DI pointer to start of buffer from where internal cache
status will be restored
CY Error
NC Successful
Register destroyed: AX
1.0.13 GENERATE CPU RESET - Subfunction# FFh
This routine generates the CPU reset. This reset generation is needed to
make system re-boot after successful programming of flash.
Note that control will never go back to caller from this routine.
Input :
AH E0h
Not Needed
In some hardware, raising of programming voltage Vpp and making flash
write-enabled may be implemented using the same method. And lowering of
programming voltage Vpp and making flash write-protected may also be
implemented using the same method. In these type of cases, implement the
subfunctions as follows:
Implement LOWER PROGRAMMING VOLTAGE Vpp - Subfunction# 04h and FLASH WRITE
PROTECT - Subfunction# 06h using same routine.
Implement RAISE PROGRAMMING VOLTAGE Vpp - Subfunction# 05h and FLASH WRITE
ENABLE - Subfunction# 07h using same routine.
A sample implementation block diagram of flash is shown in Fig. 3. Please
note that this is only an example, actual implementation may vary from
hardware to hardware.
In this example, the two bits of an I/O port are used to control the write
enable signal to flash and A16 inversion. Both these bits must be readable
as well as writeable. Vpp is connected to 12V always if flash EPROM is a
12V part otherwise can be always connected to 5V if flash EPROM is a 5V
part. For a 12V flash EPROM part, even if Vpp is always connected to 12V,
the write to flash is controlled by ENFLSHWR# signal. PWD# is connected to
POWEROK signal to protect boot block from eraser/write.
This signal must be HIGH on reset so that ORing of ENFLSHWR# and MEMW#
signals will be HIGH thereby disabling any write to flash EPROM. Please
note that WR# signal on EPROM must be LOW to make flash writeable. So the
bit used to control ENFLSHWR# signal should be HIGH normally to make flash
EPROM write protected and must be programmed to LOW to flash EPROM write
This signal must be LOW on reset so that SA16 signal can reach flash EPROM
without inversion through the XOR gate. So the bit used to control FLSHSWP
signal should be LOW on power-on to make boot block (recovery) code appear
at system address space FE000-FFFFF and must be programmed to HIGH to invert
A16 line so that main BIOS can be seen at system address space F0000-FFFFF.
PWD# on flash EPROM will be connected to POWEROK (which is at 5V) thereby
hardware protecting boot block from eraser/write. The need for connecting
PWD# to POWEROK instead of directly to Vcc (5V) is explained below:
If PWD# is connected to Vcc (5V), then it is true that boot block is
protected from eraser/write. But during programming of other blocks of
flash EPROM, if the programming is stopped for some reason e.g. pressing of
hardware reset switch (usually present at the front panel of the system),
then flash EPROM may be left in an undefined state (which may not be the
normal read array mode state of flash EPROM) thereby causing the system hang.
To come out of this undefined state, power must be turned off and on again
thereby resetting the flash EPROM and resetting of flash EPROM will resets
the flash EPROM to read array mode.
So PWD# is connected to POWEROK signal which is ANDing of the POWERGOOD
signal (which is HIGH normally when power is on) from power supply and the
RESET signal from the hardware reset switch (which is HIGH normally when
reset switch is not pressed). So under normal operating condition, POWEROK
will be HIGH and so PWD# will be HIGH. As soon as hardware reset switch is
pressed, then RESET signal from hardware reset switch will go LOW thereby
making the POWEROK signal LOW thereby causing the flash EPROM to enter deep
power down mode. When hardware reset switch is released, the RESET signal
from hardware reset switch will go HIGH thereby making the POWEROK signal
HIGH thereby causing the flash EPROM to come out of deep power down mode.
The exit from deep power down mode will automatically reset the flash EPROM
to read array mode.
The bits of an I/O Port used in the sample implementation, can be the two
unused pins of keyboard controller. Note that if unused pin of keyboard
controller is used, care must be taken to generate proper polarity of the
concerned signal because usually unused pins of keyboard controller are
HIGH on power-on.
Even though Vpp is always connected to actual programming voltage as shown
in Fig. 3, the write to flash is controlled by ENFLSHWR# signal. Of course
a switching circuit can be very well used to raise/lower Vpp in which case
another bit (which must be readable and writeable) of I/O Port may be
[ASCII shit for the rest of the file - OLE picture methinks]
parameter blocks and 48K of main block
( this usually contain power
management code,
VGA BIOS, etc. )
[The end]
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