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Re: cukta

la kartyr. djim. cusku di'e

> By the way, in the gismu list dated 12/07/93 I see a duplicate x3:
> citri cir          history                                   x1 is a
> history of x2 according to x3 (person)/from point-of-view x3...

Not a duplicate.  That is a shorthand for "x1 is a history of x2 according
to person x3" ORed with "x1 is a history of x2 from viewpoint x3".
The slash tells the tale, although the boundary isn't too clear.  Generally,
viewpoint is the more generic form; however, a person can be considered
(by a kind of sumti-raising) to stand for his/her viewpoint.

John Cowan              sharing account <lojbab@access.digex.net> for now
                e'osai ko sarji la lojban.