Sonny Bonds Leisure Suit Larry King Graham Laura Bow
2. On what planet does Roger first encounter the Sequel Police while making a quick pit stop?
Xenon Magmetheus Ortega Estros
3. What item does Roger retrieve from the Space Quest 1 time period?
A book of matches A discarded cigar butt A cold Keronian beer A gum wrapper
The Timebuster 2000 SUX The TimeRipper D-LUX The ChronoHopper 850 The Wayback 4000
Space Quest 1 Space Quest 8 Space Quest 10 Space Quest 12
Jeff Bender Josh Mandel Bill Shockley Scott Murphy
A forced viewing of "Space Magnolias" A quick shave with the EpiRip 357 A "gender adjustment" A feeding to the giant sea slug
60 buckazoids 75 buckazoids 100 buckazoids 115 buckazoids
Where in the World is Hymie Lipschitz? Astro Chicken Windoze 3095 Leisure Suit Larry 4
Astro-Chick-fil-ATM Banana GalacticTM Radio ShockTM Sears & RobotTM